Ashley's Activation

When first implanted my daughter would get 6-8 maps per year, over time it has decreased and now she goes twice a year. She also always has had high C levels and requires maps that take a lot of battery power.

If you are not comfortable with your audi or implant center then try a new place and see how that goes. they need to take the time and effort into giving Ashley the best maps possible.
Take care,
Thanks for all of the input. I have a game plan now. I am sure I will feel better once I have some straight answers. I have already gotten some good info so I feel some what better. We see the new audi on the 27th. I will give her a chance. After all she is as new to us as we are her. Again thanks for listening to a frazzled mom.
Maybe you will also find that once she goes bilateral that she will be receiving adequate input with the current mapping strategy?


I can only speak as an adult bilateral implantee, but after I became bilateral, the maps for my first CI were pretty stable, so we spent a majority of the time tweaking my second CI so that it was more closely balanced with my first CI.

Interestingly enough, I also found that the sound quality of the map with my first CI greatly improved following the activation of my second CI. For example, for up to a year post activation, I heard a constant "echo" voice (an extremely high pitched "echo" that overlapped "normal" sounding speech), but this completely disappeared a month or two following the activation of my second CI.

In addition, I was told that my C levels dropped quite a bit after becoming bilateral (and I have high power maps). I also find that I don't need the sensitivity of my processors turned up as loudly when using both CIs together as I do when only using one CI. You might find the same to be true for Ashley. :)

Ashleysmommy, I don't know if any of this information helps you, but I thought I'd share it nonetheless if only to give you a better understanding of what Ashley's experiences might be like. :)
"Ashleysmommy, I don't know if any of this information helps you, but I thought I'd share it nonetheless if only to give you a better understanding of what Ashley's experiences might be like."

It does help. I am or I feel like an outsider looking in. I am hearing mom with no clue as to what she may or may not be going through. All of the experiences and advice that all of the great people here have given me has been a god send. It helps me not feel like such an outsider when I can better understand things from the point of view of a deaf person and someone with an implant. I know things are different for everyone but it still makes me feel better to know I have so many that are willing to share and help me through this. Thanks again to all.