Article about my CI Journey


New Member
Apr 8, 2007
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I written an article for the Hearing Loss Magazine that is about how I lost my hearing and my entire journey to getting a cochlear implant. This is my first published article and I am so excited to share this with you all! To download the PDF File you can visit my blog or click here .

Great !!

And from the way you write - also in your blog - I'm sure we'll here a lot more from you.!

Keep writing.!
Abby, excellent article. And it does seem like there's a lot of late deafened hoh as kids folks out there who benifit significently from CI. Did you get paid for your article? I was thinking abt joining SHHH/HLAA a few years ago.....but it does seem like most HLAA members are late deafened, and really into the ALDs. Also seems like there's a lot of oral only members......there are some members who are fence sitters, but it does seem like there's not too much for someone who's really into the cultureal side of deafness.
Thank you everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading it.


No, I did not get paid to do the article. While it might seem that the HLAA is made up primarily of late deafened individuals, that isn't true. My own chapter has several culturally deaf individuals. I prefer HLAA because it is neutral and encompasses many aspects of dealing with communication struggles. Whereas other organization don't.
Great article Abbie! You seem to brim with radiance and self confidence :)
condictra, yes I know that there are some cultrually deaf folks in HLAA....however, it does seem like most of them tend to be older or if they aren't older they're more "hearing impaired."
I wish there was an organizaton specificly for young hoh folks or for people who have always been dhh. One of the downsides of organizations like HLAA, is that the people there can be VERY focused on hearing hearing 101. They can also be very negative about being dhh.
It's great that you've got a neutral place for CIs and learning about ALDs and stuff.