Armed with a Good "Turn-down" Line


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Women, you know what I am talking about--- those pervented guys that would race up and down aside you as you r driving, waving, honking, or whipping out their penis and mimic some sexual acts... or just those plain guys who just cocked their eyebrow and gave you their pearly teeth and a wink here....

Ever since, I have no defense against those guys who attempt to "court" me as we go 65 mph down on a freeway.... UNTIL TODAY.

I was leaving from my college onto a major freeway... I had my window rolled down and I noticed a truck in a corner of my eye so by automatic, I looked across and there were three middle-aged guys staring at me in their pick-up truck. One pushed his sunglasses down his nose to get a good look of me while another smiled and bounced his eyebrows.
I looked away and thought "ah, fuck..." then a lightbulb went off-- I AM ENGAGED NOW. I HAVE THE RING.
I looked back to the truck who attempted to stay aside me... giving them the finger...
the RING finger...
and pointed to the silver band ring...

Then I sped up...and then they sped up and one guy was giving me an "OKAY" sign (the sign of "nine") while another was holding up his hands and shrugged as if he was to say "Eh, Sorry we didn't know you were taken!"
and zoomed off.

Women-- I have discovered the best defense-- the WEDDING/ENGAGMENT RING!
Good thinking there gnarlydorkette and you sure put 'em in their rightful places...sure wishes more ppls.(hey, there are women that do this too, but obviously, there are more guys going a bit overboard with their advances) would be more civilized and courteous....but anyhow, I know your finance' would be very proud of you!! :)
I simply ignore them.

I ve been in too many stupid car chases in the past cos I would flip my finger or make a face but that only seemed to excite them. Now I simply ignore them and they lose interest fast.
LOL! that was a funny story! Im surprised that by flashing your engagement ring works for you!
Ladies...dont ever stop your car for these guys, they can be dangerous too!
Just keep going and if you have to, pull up to police station or something like that if they wont leave you alone....they could be innocent just flirting and all but there are sickos out there so be careful!!.....this world is not safe anymore ya know!