now, how about adding, Muslims not allowed to graduate in USA lol
that would piss Obama off
sorry i know its a silly suggestion, but its like, its trying to be Christians only university(s), or er, country, look it arent unique, look at Saudi Arabia, and Mecca they ahev freeways with Road signs saying "Non-muslims, Muslim only" no shit, and that's for the 500,000 daily visits to the Mecca on buses full of pilgrims to flock to the Mecca...
very very extreme that country is, so extreme that women not allowed to walk on paths by herself, have to be with a Muslim male, at all time, and veils on, not allowed to drive, only ONE women basketball team in the entire country, etc etc
its a bit like saying as we think Christians are getting extreme (they are) but, arent nothing compared to Muslims AND women are allowed to study and have jobs, walk on streets whever they go, we, (in the west) still have 1000x times more freedom...but yep, Christians are now getting worse, i
I THINK its (who said political chess btw?) can be seen in a different way, its more about ;saving christainity in the west, as a religion war in politics (and policy)in process, as you're seeing more Muslim travelling abroad to study in the Western universities (but why i ask, grrrr ).... its ilike 'we need to show we have more Christians here than you Muslims in our universities" ,,that i wonder....senseless yes, but thats fear of religion loss in the west i presume...thats all, hope i make some sense?