Stop breathing my oxygen you waste of human flesh...Some posts were remove. Don't ask.
Let's stay on topic and lighten up, people.

Stop breathing my oxygen you waste of human flesh...Some posts were remove. Don't ask.
Let's stay on topic and lighten up, people.
Those are good ones Dixie even though you shouldn't be allowed in public..Yo mamma so ugly, when she entered an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals."
Yo mamma so stupid she got shot running the border after she saw an ad for Taco Bell
Yo mamma so fat, she jumped the rainbow and skittles came out.
Yo mamma so stupid she told everyone she was "illegitemite" because she couldnt read.
Yo mamma so fat, she couldnt fit in a satellite photo.
Yo mamma so fat, she had to go to SeaWorld to get baptized.
???????Because it's a stupid thing to do! Why Else!
Take Care and Get a Better Wisdom!
wow your stupid
haha platecafe.. thats my fav ... always call my sons father that nickname Butthead.. heh...