I am thinking more in terms of how these devices are effective - HAs and CIs. Both are just devices to assist with hearing, just assist.
If you compare the two, CI wins, hands down.
Of course when I am saying CI and HAs I mean only in regards to those pople who are candidates for both.
Reading so many interesting posts about successes with CI, like "hearing this for the first time or hearing that for the first time", I couldn't help but wonder - I am sure a lot of people could have that much much earlier, and who knows- maybe with even better results.. so why is the CI still considered a "last resort"? what's the point of it?
I am sure having such a better hearing with CI than with Has would came handy in many instances, for example academically, in family gatherings, just being out there doing such simple things as shopping...
Is it only surgery itself that stops people from getting CI more readily, or there is something more behind this...? because, since it is out there, why not take advantage of this technology right away?