I've already explained I meant 'thrashing', just misspelled.
I know what that means, and I still feel it's patronizing. It's basically saying: look at you hopeless HoH - thrashing between us superiors - "pure deaf " and "pure hearing". (or should I say pure herring lol)
And yeah, that what I was considering while thinking of this thread - seeying how those who said CI was enabling them to hear better than ever before with the best of their HAs, I wondered gee maybe it would be worth to skip HAs altogether, jump straight into CI. Just a thought.
I guess using words like thrashing is a personal thing then, I don't get offended by the example. (I don't get offended by the words mental retardation either and my daughter does have MR, now to say retard, that's a different story) I was one of those thrashing around trying to keep it all together, stressed, not using the phone, not wanting to go out much.... I was not happy, now I am.
Like I said, I do wish that it was easier for people who really are tired of dealing with the hoh status to get an implant it can be much better.
Oh and I did risk quite a bit of residule hearing to have an inplant, To me the risk was worth it since I didn't feel I was really getting that much from the HA's and that hearing...plus it'd probably just continue to get worse, who needs the stress.