Aren't we wasting time with HAs...

I've already explained I meant 'thrashing', just misspelled.
I know what that means, and I still feel it's patronizing. It's basically saying: look at you hopeless HoH - thrashing between us superiors - "pure deaf " and "pure hearing". (or should I say pure herring lol)

And yeah, that what I was considering while thinking of this thread - seeying how those who said CI was enabling them to hear better than ever before with the best of their HAs, I wondered gee maybe it would be worth to skip HAs altogether, jump straight into CI. Just a thought.


I guess using words like thrashing is a personal thing then, I don't get offended by the example. (I don't get offended by the words mental retardation either and my daughter does have MR, now to say retard, that's a different story) I was one of those thrashing around trying to keep it all together, stressed, not using the phone, not wanting to go out much.... I was not happy, now I am.

Like I said, I do wish that it was easier for people who really are tired of dealing with the hoh status to get an implant it can be much better.

Oh and I did risk quite a bit of residule hearing to have an inplant, To me the risk was worth it since I didn't feel I was really getting that much from the HA's and that it'd probably just continue to get worse, who needs the stress. :)
Yeah, I used to share your feelings when I could still use hearing aids. I just wasn't interested in CIs at all, as I was satisfied with my hearing aids, even though they weren't perfect and I always had to lipread to understand speech. But then things changed and I lost the hearing that was needed by the hearing aid to work and it was too painful to wear it. It was only then that I saw CIs as an option and have been pleased with my results, which has been signficantly better than with my hearing aids. But do I feel like I was hard done by with my hearing aids before? No. I just see it as a life enhancing progression from where I was before and I am really happy that I had the option of CIs when hearing aids were no longer an option. The extra things that I can hear with the CI such as being able to use the telephone was just a bonus to me.

So as you say we are all different and we go through progressions and life stages in every aspect of our life. Another person in my situation who could not wear a hearing aid might have just been happy not to wear anything at all and that decision would have been right for them.

That's why everyone's adult choices should be respected and is highly personal.

exactly.. that's how i see it.. i don't see anything wrong with HAs, CIs and others. its totally up to you ya know. I don't have a problem with it only when someone actually says.. why are you wearing HAs, you should go for CI.. well I don't need that shit from anyone. I am my own person.. as well as you are your own person. ;)
Originally Posted by RebelGirl

You seem to have started wearing your HAs very early- (9mo old!)

I did.

I don't see it this way - Cloggy doesn't want to have "a hearing child", Cloggy want's Lotte to have hearing for her own benefit. Cloggy unconditionally accepts his daughter the way she is.

that's fine. but cloggy did say.. she's "hearing" because she can hear things.. but hypothetically, she isn't hearing. its like me with my hearing aids.. I hear sounds, I'm not hearing. With that said, Its Cloggy being the father he's suppose to be and I applaud him for that for doing the best for Lotte.

well I have no way of knowing medical and other circumstances of your friend. To have a success with CI many factors are involved. If she was implanted at 11 YEARS old and/or before she could hardly hear anything even with her HAs, then she missed the "window of opportunity" and more. as for now - like I've said - I don't know her history - how hard everyone was working with her to achieve the best benefits after surgery etc.

I don't expect you to know her history. just like i don't know yours.

No, it also depends VERY much whether it is CI or HAs because CI enables to hear sounds that HAs doesn't.

Tell me how it got started to begin with? Hearing aids came in first. When hearing aids came in.. I, for one, could hear sounds so we used hearing aids to pick up sounds. CI came in at a later date. now, CI has a better device, I guess. I don't know how it is because i don't have one. But for those who had hearing aids to begin with in the 60's and 70's have gotten used to the hearing aids. Most of the CI users are younger. I'm sure there are quite a few who are in 30's and 40's to have CI but I don't know one.

I agree about parents and motivation, not sure what you mean by "the same grade school"?

Like at the age of 5, you start kindergarten, but you're not ready as the parents or teacher says so they put you back in the next year.


when going along with the same age group, if you're in 8th grade your level is at 3rd grade level.

that's what i'm talking about
I didn't think Jag was being patronzing. I'd say it's true for those with excellent oral skills but poor receptive abilities due to hearing loss; they'd be struggling to comunicate with others and it can be exhausting sometimes. In short, they're thrashing around.

Personally, I don't think hearing or those who are totally deaf are better than those who are HOH. I wouldn't have used this analogy myself but I do get the idea.

Of course Jag wasn't patronizing- also, she explained very clearly it's from email. I just said the word "thrashing" sounds patronizing to me, not Jag or whoever.
I agree being HoH is harder than being totally deaf but like I've said - it has its own enclave. I would even go further and say - HoH, if they wish can turn into deaf anytime while still being able to keep their ties with hearing world.

Some people like to go faster. I took hmm, 3 months from calling in for the my inital evaluation to decide. Decided on the 2nd one which was about 2 months following the first one. Had surgery one month later. Having a blast ever since. :)

:hmm: Two years ago(in 2005),I had been wearing an old analog hearing aid and wanted to change it since it wasn't powerful enough for my loss so I started to search about digital hearing day,a friend of mine sent me to an audiologist..the audi tried to direct me a hospital for a CI surgery.. he said I would have normal hearing..I was suspicious cuz I knew I would never had normal hearing with an implant and I wanted to give a try to digital hearing aids.. and I didn't have insurance at that time.. so I skipped the audi..then ,in 2006,I got my current digital hearing aids and have tried them .. and now,I'm not satisfied with hearing aids.. so I'm on the way to a CI.. I'll be wearing a CI on an ear and a hearing aid on the other ear.
I don't think we are wasting time with Hearing Aids. Hearing Aids are the way to go if one can get enough benefit from them. When HAs no longer provide enought benefit it is up to the individual to decide if they want a CI. I lost my hearing post lingually and I only considered a CI after I could no longer get enough benefit from HAs. If I had been born deaf or had lost my hearing as a child maybe I would not have gone the CI route. Hearing was all I knew so for me it made sense to get a CI and I have no regrets.
Of course Jag wasn't patronizing- also, she explained very clearly it's from email. I just said the word "thrashing" sounds patronizing to me, not Jag or whoever.
I agree being HoH is harder than being totally deaf but like I've said - it has its own enclave. I would even go further and say - HoH, if they wish can turn into deaf anytime while still being able to keep their ties with hearing world.


Nods. Sometimes I think that HoH get the worst of both hearing and deaf worlds.
Whether it was from an e-mail or from Jag, in the context in which it was used, the word "thrashing" is/was still not patronizing.
Whether it was from an e-mail or from Jag, in the context in which it was used, is/was still not patronizing.

I first I did find it patronizing but then I reread it and realized it does make sense. Nothing to do with the "social" ladder...
Of course Jag wasn't patronizing- also, she explained very clearly it's from email. I just said the word "thrashing" sounds patronizing to me, not Jag or whoever.
I agree being HoH is harder than being totally deaf but like I've said - it has its own enclave. I would even go further and say - HoH, if they wish can turn into deaf anytime while still being able to keep their ties with hearing world.


Glad to hear it's been cleared up. :)
Fuzzy, as we've pointed out many times over, you don't seem to realize how you phrase things to others can affect how they react to you. You also don't seem to have many social skills if your posts are any example. In short, you're short on pragmatics language wise. I had to look up this word because I realized that the way Jillio is using it that it has another meaning than the one I know. One thing about the English language is that a single word can have several meanings and the meaning of it can depend on the context.

It may come as surpise to you but I am perfectly aware how I use my language.

We know that cochlear implants are out there, When hearing aids were the first technology device out there for the deaf, They used to convinced deaf people that hearing aids helps to speak better, to hear perfectly and to improve on their reading and writing skills, now that cochlear implant came out, the same exact words were been said about cochlear implant as it did with hearing aids.

Well, and does not having HAs help with speaking better?

Let me say this one more time, NOT everyone is a candidate for cochlear implant, and It MAY nor MAY NOT work for each individuals, it's the same goes for hearing aids as well.

I didn't say it works for everyone.

Just because some experiences their cochlear implants with positive outcome, it doesn't mean it'll work for this person, and that person.. It's depends upon the individual, not every one of us have the same amount of hearing, same amount of hearing loss, same amount of what we received from either cochlear implant or hearing aids.

I don't think the amount of hearing matters so much as missing the "window of opportunity", and the circumstance one grows up in. For example, pple who were raised orally usualy have better oral skills than those who were raised as 'deaf' and signing, even if those who were raised orally have greater hearing loss.

Cochlear implants are often pushed in some instances, thinking it's better than what we are wearing now with hearing aids, the question is HOW DO YOU KNOW?

I think the experiences of our beautiful lady members speak for itself. ( well I assume all are ladies?)

It's so wrong to give them false impression that cochlear implants beats it all when one doesn't know how much hearing they are receiving from their hearing aids.

I think if a person is the right candidate, the way the CI works is always better than HAs.

It's even more wrong to shovel cochlear implants down everyone throat thinking this technology device is a miracle, based on how much hearing they will received when it's not even no where near the truth, It all depends upon the individual-- how much sounds, how much words, how much hearing they received or understands. Don't give them high expectations when you can't predict the future.

well wasn't the same said when HAs first came out? also, I don't shovel nothing nobodys' throat, It's just a discussion.

just my two cents.

Originally Posted by Rockdrummer
hmmmm... Is it really? From what I understand in certian cases it may even become worse. I am no expert but given what I have learned and experienced it seems to me that a CI is still somewhat of a crap shoot. Do the ends justify the means? How would you feel if you knew that (just an example) 50% of implants either failed and made your residual hearing worse? Would you think it's worth the risk? And do you honestly believe you have access to accurate up to date information to even make an informed decision?

Fuzzy never answered my questions... bumping up hoping for answers.

Fuzzy never answered my questions... bumping up hoping for answers.

: What is the success rate for cochlear implant treatments/surgeries?

A: The success rate for cochlear implants that work very well is 99.6%. There is less than a 1% device failure rate for cochlear implants, and in these rare instances, there is always the possibility of re-implanting or implanting the other side.

Cochlear Implant Q & A

What is the success rate of the cochlear implant, and what is considered a success?

Almost all people that have received the cochlear implant achieve sound awareness and most people are able to understand some speech. About one-half of our adults who have learned language and lost their hearing, this is called post lingual deafness, are able to talk on the telephone in an interactive conversation. Many of our children that are congenitally deaf can also interact on the telephone after they have had their device for several years.

Cochlear Implants: Frequently Asked Questions: Health Topics: University of Iowa Health Care

Thus, if you wait until he gets no significant help from his hearing aids, even if he loses all his residual hearing with the CI (and it doesn’t work for some reason–although the success rate is over 98%), he is no worse off than before. In other words, he has nothing to lose.

Hearing Loss Help » Cochlear Implants--When's the Right Time?

Also from our own sources- our members who were implanted show that the percentage said in those links is most likely correct. Almost everyone have improved hearing with CI.

It may come as surpise to you but I am perfectly aware how I use my language.


If you really, truly do understand and are aware of the norms, then you're despicable. I'd been withholding, thinking some of this isn't/wasn't thru any real fault of yours but with what you have just said, it ends here as far as I am concerned.
: What is the success rate for cochlear implant treatments/surgeries?

A: The success rate for cochlear implants that work very well is 99.6%. There is less than a 1% device failure rate for cochlear implants, and in these rare instances, there is always the possibility of re-implanting or implanting the other side.

Cochlear Implant Q & A

What is the success rate of the cochlear implant, and what is considered a success?

Almost all people that have received the cochlear implant achieve sound awareness and most people are able to understand some speech. About one-half of our adults who have learned language and lost their hearing, this is called post lingual deafness, are able to talk on the telephone in an interactive conversation. Many of our children that are congenitally deaf can also interact on the telephone after they have had their device for several years.

Cochlear Implants: Frequently Asked Questions: Health Topics: University of Iowa Health Care

Thus, if you wait until he gets no significant help from his hearing aids, even if he loses all his residual hearing with the CI (and it doesn’t work for some reason–although the success rate is over 98%), he is no worse off than before. In other words, he has nothing to lose.

Hearing Loss Help » Cochlear Implants--When's the Right Time?

Also from our own sources- our members who were implanted show that the percentage said in those links is most likely correct. Almost everyone have improved hearing with CI.


Your reply indicates hard failures only. YOu do not account for soft failures. However, these are significant in determining overall failure rates, and level of benefit received.
If you really, truly do understand and are aware of the norms, then you're despicable. I'd been withholding, thinking some of this isn't/wasn't thru any real fault of yours but with what you have just said, it ends here as far as I am concerned.

Just so you know - that's because I am not pleased with what is going on this forum due to some (and always the same) member's behaviour,
and you certainly are not one to criticize me - you with so many off topic put down instigating insulting remarks ("add a few loose screws" hahaha), you who more often that not is missing my point yet still trying to put me down whenever you get the chance - and what do YOU think you are to me?

You know, the world does not evolve around me- there are CI and HAs SUBJECTS to discuss here, not me.
