Aren’t you too picky about Women?

since i got divorced, it was getting harder for me being rusty to date those gals - hearing and deaf.

yea, i think i am picky on gals, but mostly i look for ms. right with inner beauty and athletic.
Originally posted by Sabrina

Wow how did you lose 67 lbs ?

Lay off sodas! Use a lot less butter. Replace white bread to wheat bread. Eat a little less than what you normally eat. You can have some junk food ONCE a week so you won't get severe cravings later. WALK 3 to 4 times a week! Everyday is great. :D

Another thing is I'm on thyroid hormone therapy pills for my thyroid disorder. Plus I had a sub-total thyroidectomy and the pill is needed for life. It helps to regulate my hormones, iodine, metabolism and more.

Took me 5 years to lose 67 pounds and I kept it off. Trick is lose slowly and you'll keep your weight off permanently. If you lose too fast you'll more likely to gain weight and more than your old weight. No fun! Just be patient with yourself and you'll lose it over time. :D Remember everyone is different, but you can try this method and see if it works for ya.
Originally posted by Katzie
Lay off sodas! Use a lot less butter. Replace white bread to wheat bread. Eat a little less than what you normally eat. You can have some junk food ONCE a week so you won't get severe cravings later. WALK 3 to 4 times a week! Everyday is great. :D

Another thing is I'm on thyroid hormone therapy pills for my thyroid disorder. Plus I had a sub-total thyroidectomy and the pill is needed for life. It helps to regulate my hormones, iodine, metabolism and more.

Took me 5 years to lose 67 pounds and I kept it off. Trick is lose slowly and you'll keep your weight off permanently. If you lose too fast you'll more likely to gain weight and more than your old weight. No fun! Just be patient with yourself and you'll lose it over time. :D Remember everyone is different, but you can try this method and see if it works for ya.

I see that you have achieved after all those hard work for 5 years. Congratulations! :D
Originally posted by SilenceGold
I see that you have achieved after all those hard work for 5 years. Congratulations! :D

Thanks! :D The hard work has paid off, but now being pregnant I've packed on 10 pounds... Bet some of you are jumping up and down and go nyah nyah nyah! hehehe That's okay and at least I'm making you feel better! :thumb:
yeah, I notice my weight loss has been very slow since two years. Every time I went to annual check up with doctor. My weight keeps going down. I lost about 17 lbs so far. I need to lose 60 lbs more left. :(

My problem is addicting to chocolate when I have pre-period. Grrrrrrr !
Sabrina - congratulations on losing 17 pounds and ya know that 17 pounds is awfully a lot so you should be proud of yourself! Don't give up chocolate! However amount you eat chocolate just cut down and try eating some fruits like an apple or a pear. I hope you like large salads? Put a hard boiled egg and or can of fresh white tuna on top of salad. Great for protiens and it's very filling. Your appetitite will get smaller over time. Just be patient with yourself. Again, way to go Sabrina!!
Yes, I am picky about women went to bathroom and take more make-up on her face. I keep tell her, she look fine. Enough with chemical on your face! Wear once a day would be good for your face.
Yes, I have good reason to being very picky about women than their outer looks but their personalities, who they are, etc. I am only focus on their personalities, their goals that they are planning for their future, who they are truly. I noticed that lots of women are very picky on the men also. Both of the males and females are very picky on each other. So, no one is perfect.

I becomes more picky since my last two dates tell lots of lies about who they are truly, questions that I asked them, etc. I don't like to being lied by women and perfer with honesty becuz of no tolerance toward people who simply lied me. Enough of my babbling words.

Anyways, no matter what both of males and females do, they are always picky on each other for both of good and stupid reasons. :roll:
As I know that I used to picky with women over something which I didn't understand. Until someone bitching to me and it got me to realize and accept on certainly from women which men don't understand.
Here's my quote:

"Beauty is not what she appear, beauty is what in her heart"
As for me. I am required to have nice look and body too. Cuz, I grew up have beautiful girlfriends and happy married.
Wow!! 8 years old thread!! Omg, Levi's post before Poweron, he's still very picky on women's age he is now over 30 years old and he is still struggling in searching of a woman under 30 after all 8 years on DSC. Nothing new!!! Is woman who is 3o, 31, 32, 33, 34 gonna hurting you? Oh, come on! Lol :P