Are You Watching What You Eat?

I have always watched what I ate (thanks for the slow metabolism mom and dad :p) but now, since I cannot be as active as I once was, I find I have to watch it even more carefully ... and I LOVE food! boo hoo hoo!
I watch what I eat daily, but to be honest I don't even realize I'm doing it. When I go out to eat I order the Salmon or some other fish dish. When I order a drink I order wine instead of beer because I like it. When I have treats like apple pie I make my own version. To be honest, sometimes I think I'm the luckiest guy on earth who gets to eat this great food. And, believe me, coming from an Italian that's a big compliment.

It's really not like I'm watching it anymore, I've found what I like and I eat what I like.

I'm actually thinking of gaining 5 lbs...
If you want to slim down reach for a veggie snack not a fruit one. There's actually a lot of sugar, natural good sugar though :) in fruit.

That's is something I am working on . Also, quit soda...on my 9th day and reducing my Carb intake. I just ordered a bunch of Hip Hop Abs workout videos so hopefully they will help me with my middle area.

I am at an OK weight but I really need to tone up again. Need to get back to weightlifting.
I eat really healthy, what I need to work on is eating breakfast. I don't do breakfast I do coffee. Coffee is my one dietary weakness, I like it with a lot of sugar and cream, both which are bad for you. Maybe if I switched to green tea and used some lemon and agave sweetner Id finally get that 6 pack I've been working on, but damn I love my coffee!

No need to switch, use Splenda and fat free half and half, best thing since the ball point pen.
yes i do watch what i eat and i do always half foods next days i lose weight lots but i got shred mostly and some little..

but i do straving lots if im not hungry lots and i eat snack of 100 calories,sugar free popsicles and whatevers i eat sugar free snacks i chose..

if you are plans to lose weight must eat least not too much but i do eat least i cant eat too much expect fried chicken and fried catfish also but i have my mind to eat..
It didn't work for me, so I only eat lunch and dinner - 5 hours apart, also I have snacks if I'm hungry.

I skip the breakfast because my tummy goes crazy in the morning.

i do skip breakfast mostly! Andi eat lunch and dinner also
Jiro, how will you supposed to know if you ordered a real tuna or not at Benihana?

The study found mislabeling in 27 of the 46 seafood types tested. It revealed that 59 percent of fish sold as tuna in U.S. restaurants and grocery stores is not actually tuna.

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Fish mislabeling widespread in U.S. and 84% of 'white tuna' is a species which causes distressing gastrointestinal side effects | Mail Online
watch horror movies for 7 days striaght that will slim you down no trouble...
Yes and consume less caffeine. Caffeine increases the release of stomach acids. This increases the "burn rate" and makes you want to eat more.

Really? It doesn't seem to work like that for me. Heck, coffee is the reason I don't eat breakfast. I think it tricks me ;) I get the sugar and calories from the coffee and my tummy thinks I must have ate something, I don't get hungry til a couple hours later.
Really? It doesn't seem to work like that for me. Heck, coffee is the reason I don't eat breakfast. I think it tricks me ;) I get the sugar and calories from the coffee and my tummy thinks I must have ate something, I don't get hungry til a couple hours later.

I agree with this. If I drink orange juice, I usually want to eat a bigger breakfast. If I drink coffee, on the other hand, I feel satisfied with just some whole wheat toast. Also, I'm using fat free half an half with Splenda so it is a lot less fat and calories.
ALWAYS! lol!! March 2011 I weighed 287lbs. By March 2012 I dropped over 120lbs by watching what I ate, when I ate, and how I ate. I currently maintain my weight by doing that. Life is MUCH better with the effort I put into it.

I try to keep my food low in sodium, high in protein, little to no fat as possible, NO fast foods, NO soda, drink a lot of water... probably too much water (yes you can over do it lol)!! :p
had two miserable boiled eggs,run out of bread and milk and it sodding bank holiday asda (wallmart)closed,unless anyone in waveny district uk know different and there a few i try hobble there...miserable starving evening

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