Are you vegetarian?

Originally posted by Lasza
Same here in Colorado. I have seen many vegetarian everywhere than Texas I lived. I was *gasped*.

Notice many stores have more supplies for less expensive for this 2000's.

Used be vegetarian myself. But I was off from the wagon by my ex-lover's delicious meaty meal that which I cannot resist 5 years ago.

*gasp* my uncle and aunt live in Colorado. I don't know.
I've always eat meat through out my life, and still eat them. Elk meat, Deer meat, Moose meat, beef, Buffalo meat, Antelope meat ( :barf: ), poultry, fish, and many more. My favorite meat is Elk and Deer meat. Antelope meat tastes kinda dull but good in jerky. :D
:lol: I remember my longest streak without meats. I used to live with all vegetarian women (roommates) I almost go nuts without meats.
They can smell if I ate a steak at a restaurant :ugh: I would say about three months is my longest without meat.
I always have the loudest stomach when I am hungry even after some veggie dishes. Meats have somewhat calmed my tummy down. :D Sometimes I like to practice being a vegetarian but it'll last only few days in time.
I grew up fishing and hunting. Salmon, halibut, trout, and more for my fishing... I hunted geese, duck, deer, elk, white-tail deer, and few animals.

Otherwise, I stopped hunting.
Dom.. You wanna to be vegetarian forever? :eek:

For me, I wouldnt. Because I was born to eat any meats. Some meats have a nutrients in there. So why should we stop from eat it?

I am a meat-lover.
even though I like to eat vegetables, I am not pure vegetarian.
Originally posted by Fly Free
Purrs -- if i recall correctly -- thats a person whos a meat eater

It means he eats both meat and vegetables

carnivore is meat only..

<- eats everything but not squid, spianaches, liver & onion..
Originally posted by Teekie
It means he eats both meat and vegetables

carnivore is meat only..


ah thanks teekie and stephy for clearin that up for me :mrgreen:
Originally posted by MsGiglz
<- eats everything but not squid, spianaches, liver & onion..
ONIONS!! yummy...

LIVER-- me thud.:eek:
Originally posted by DirtyOldMan
:lol: I remember my longest streak without meats. I used to live with all vegetarian women (roommates) I almost go nuts without meats.
They can smell if I ate a steak at a restaurant :ugh: I would say about three months is my longest without meat.
I always have the loudest stomach when I am hungry even after some veggie dishes. Meats have somewhat calmed my tummy down. :D Sometimes I like to practice being a vegetarian but it'll last only few days in time.
I grew up fishing and hunting. Salmon, halibut, trout, and more for my fishing... I hunted geese, duck, deer, elk, white-tail deer, and few animals.

Otherwise, I stopped hunting.

I'm a hunter too. Well, not anymore since I dated Lisa. I call that an excuse.

I've never tried to be an vegetarian. I do not think that I could live without protein.
I was a vegetarian for a year (when I went on a diet --lost 95 lbs)...but nowadays I'm back to eating meat...but mainly chicken and fish. Rarely meat...only a few times a month.

I'm vegan and have been for years
"i cant get enough protein without meat"
"some meats have nutrients"
Meat eaters are in general ignorant about food and nutrition
Bring on the hate
LuckyGirl said:
I don't eat much vegetable, vegetable have harsh natural chemical in them.
Yup, I'm agreeing with you. There is the Whole Food grocery have a chemical in lot more things.