Are you the only or the first deaf person in ur entire family?

I would just call it deaf gene, (or whatever technical word for it)

POU4F3 mutation. POU (Pituitary Octamer Neural factors) class-4 transcript factor 3.

Also much commonly known as autosomal dominant hearing loss from dominant deafness-related genetics.
i have autosomal recessive hearing loss apparently
My DS is the the only hoh in either family except for grandma & greatgrandma who have age-related hearing loss.

(Well, I think I'm losing my hearing, but I haven't been tested yet. So maybe there will be two of us.)
Yep, I'm the first deaf person in my whole generation.

But, I'm also the first in my whole generation who's over 6 feet tall, excelled at sports, and according to my brother and relatives, the biggest relative (physique-wise due to intense weight lifting) they've ever seen.
As far as I know I'm the only HOH in my family. That being said, I have extremely little information of my family beyond my immediate siblings and parents. I knew my grandparents existed, as well as a few uncles, but who they are, and what they were like is not known.

My grandfather is HOH but doesn't like to admit it or talk about it.
Found some old medical records of my mothers. Seems I may be a "rubella baby", but we are not sure.
I have thought about it, but idk if she would like to hear from me. I also don't know her location. I know she married a millitary man and they moved a lot.

The worst that could happen is she refuses your friend request. Then you haven't lost anything. You might gain happiness if it worked out.:wave:
I'm the only one in my family. Moderately-Severe to Severely Deaf. Born that way. Born Premature.
I am only one born Deaf in my family. My younger sister was born HOH, mild at start and now she is moderate. If you met her you would never know she is HOH, she is very much like hearing person.
Im the only Deafie. however I had a great aunt i believe it was who went deaf and regained her hearing several years later! which is crazy cuz noone ever knew why she went deaf to begin with or how it came back. weird hu?
I'm the only deaf one in my family. No history of deafness either though my dad seems to have a mild hearing loss. He can't hear certain high pitched sounds.
I'm the only Hoh/Deaf in my family - or at least the only one that is naturally HohDeaf ... ie not age related (or from working around loud machinery without wearing hearing protection, but even that person was 50 when they started being Hoh ... so I don't think that "counts")

I was born with SSD (single sided deafness) profoundly deaf on my right side, and then due to lots of ear infections etc my left side went from hearing to mild Hoh now to mild/moderate hoh with fluctuating amounts of HL.

My Audies also think I likely have mild APD, but I can't be bothered to go through all the testing (and they say the tests wouldn't be accurate for me anyway).

I haven't looked into if my hearing loss is genetic or just "luck". I was 14days early and quite jaundice but the doctors don't think either had anything to do with being born with SSD.

My parents wouldn't let me learn ASL when I was younger (I asked all the time!!) so I had to wait until I was an adult to learn. Finally once I was an adult my parents started to understand a bit more that I was "really Hoh" (I think they thought I was faking it as a kid...even though the Audiograms and Audies said I was really Hoh/deaf). My dad took an intro ASL class (doesn't use it ...) and my mum took a lot of ASL classes - however she prefers to speak to me ... even though she knows I prefer ASL (kinda frustrating).

The biggest challenge that I face daily is that I have 99% hearing speech so EVERYONE constantly forgets that I'm Hoh/Deaf ... it's very very frustrating. I know that a lot of people (hearing, hoh and some deaf) think that it would be great to having a "hearing voice" but honestly - I hate it! People don't understand that my HL is as extensive as it is, they think I'm "not trying hard enough" or "not paying attention" etc. Even my family constantly talks when I can't see their faces, tries to carry on conversations for other rooms etc ... it's very very frustrating and a lot of time I wish I could just turn my voice off completely and just use ASL.
I am the only deaf one in the family that I know of...don't know my dads side of the family too much...he swears they are ALL healthy..but no ones perfect lol
I presume I'm the first deaf person in family history. I'm awaiting the connexin 20 result then I might know for sure.

Marry me and we shall have nice deaf children to create our first deaf-gen family.

Is that too much to ask? :eek3: