Are you sick of highly paid teachers?

No one is showing an actual figure. How much? How many dollars per year?
No one is showing an actual figure. How much? How many dollars per year?

A salary in which a teacher can afford a house, support his/her family, and still have some extra cash left over to save or whatever. It really depends on the area as well.
Teachers should have one of the highest paying jobs in the country. Our job is THAT important.

Now, I definitely like that idea. I wanted to say it instead of clicking on "like". :D
A salary in which a teacher can afford a house, support his/her family, and still have some extra cash left over to save or whatever. It really depends on the area as well.

How about this: Average salary in Huntsville is 40,000. Average Median salary 44,000 (Median average is closer to what most people make). What should a teacher make in Huntsville?
How about this: Average salary in Huntsville is 40,000. Average Median salary 44,000 (Median average is closer to what most people make). What should a teacher make in Huntsville?

Too late, I saw DBG's post and really like it. It should be over $100K.
Teachers should have one of the highest paying jobs in the country. Our job is THAT important.

Highest paying jobs within the public sector, or highest paying jobs overall? There is a big difference. Highest paying jobs usually belong to the private sector.
Highest paying jobs within the public sector, or highest paying jobs overall? There is a big difference. Highest paying jobs usually belong to the private sector.


If not 100K, then 60K in your area. Then, feel free to load up all of the requirements on teachers. Oh wait...that has already happened. Where is my pay?
Too late, I saw DBG's post and really like it. It should be over $100K.

This means that a teacher who lives in NYC (Manhattan) would be making $237,000 for the same standard of living.

Still agree?

If so, where should we get the extra money from? Increase taxes? Take away the salaries of lawmakers? (PS, there are many more teachers than lawmakers, so doing this wouldn't even be enough)

In 2009, there were about 3.2 million public school teachers (K-12). Let's say that their average salary is about 30K (going with lowest possible to make it conservative). If we double their salaries (60K), it would cost United States 98 BILLION dollars. Triple it (90K), it would cost 192 billion dollars. And it goes on....
The only stab I'll take at this after seeing the difference between Huntsville and Manhattan is I'll venture to guess that the average teacher's family's benefit package is likely somewhere around 600 a month which, by the way is not taxed, lol....
I am sick of over paid politicians giving themselves raises when people are losing their jobs , and people on fixed incomes are being told they'll not get a
COLA raises for 2 years!
I am sick of over paid politicians giving themselves raises when people are losing their jobs , and people on fixed incomes are being told they'll not get a
COLA raises for 2 years!

There is no inflation (CPI) for 2 years and the inflation (CPI) should be higher than 2008 level to get pay raise.

Blame on voters, not politicians.
There is no inflation (CPI) for 2 years and the inflation (CPI) should be higher than 2008 level to get pay raise.

Blame on voters, not politicians.

I do not think it matter which party you vote for today , we'll get screwed any way!
those highly paid teachers are members of the NEA and AFT. their students graduation rates are abysmal. They have no competition except for the charters schools who are winning the wars for kids.
I like your post, Shel!! :thumb: I will send it to my sister-in-law. She is a 12th grade teacher as well. When the school is closed for the summer and so, she is working as a waitress because my brother and my sister-in-law have to pay their oldest daughter's college tuition and also, their youngest daughter's private school fees (I think).
I like your post too shel- my hearing sister is a music teacher as a single mom. Its not easy being a teacher when you have music requirements in schools, but music budget is one of the first thing schools always cut. God forbid, but if something happens to her job, and state cuts funding to schools, its gonna be tough for her to find another job opening with music skill as a teacher. she has nothing to fall back on.
I'm curious.

What do any of you believe is a fair salary for teachers?

Is that amount more or is it less than what teachers in your location are earning?

Would you be willing to pay higher taxes in order to give pay raises to your local teachers?

Teachers would be able to get better pay if there was not so much greed and corrupting going on all the time! In my city the librarians get a clothes allowances! I think this outrageous , tax payers money being use for a cloth allowances! I do not want to pay higher taxes when there is so much greed and corrupting going on!