Are you ready for 2009?

Been though hell. Have been alone this year since my dad and sis went to the states. Surviving of the fistest
2009 should be good for me... will be a lot busier than this year, I'm sure.

* Returning to study in March 2009 after a semester's break.
* All debts to be wiped out by August 2009.

Other than that... whatever happens, happens ;D
Kinda of...

2008 is ok ok. Not so bad at all... It's pretty mcuh better than last year.
2009??? Oh nooo, oh man, next year i´ll be in extrem school stress and will haven´t get to take my time! :( :(
Recently, bus and train fare increased for disabled riders to 75 cents now, then possiblity will increase again in 2009, my paratransit fare went increased fare too (3.00 based and 4.00 rush hour) due to the gas price skyrocketed.. Communter Rail service would open in late 2009 connecting with train line 55 (Light rail) between Minneapolis/Big Lake. The communter rail service fare that would be higher cost outside of "Metro" area (3.75 to 7.50 in fare zones) (Train line # to be announced for communter rail service).

Coach line 288 Long distance between Minneapolis/Forest Lake ($4.75 and $2.50 for disabled).

Coach line 856 Long distance between Minneapolis/Ramsey ($3.00 and .75 for disabled)

Coach line 888 Long distance between Minneapolis/Elk River ($4.75 and 2.50 for disabled).

Coach line M4A (Minneapolis/Milwaukee/Chicago) Megabus service up to $26 dollars one way.

For my future of 2009. Probably new HDTV? or Goes to camp again.
my brother will become 25th on Jan.1st 2009

my cousin will graduate at high school in Texas May or June 2009

my cousin will graduate at college in Austin,Texas December 2009

and also dont forgot dvr!

my brother will graduate at college maybe may or december 2009
2012 ---- > Full of BS, I'm with the newbie above.
[laughs] im so ready for 2009 that will skyrocket up with technologies that advanced!
Of course, always there is plenty of new toys for the boys ;)
My doctor suggested me last week to apply for spa resort in January 2009 instead of this year last week.

I'm going to apply for go to 3 or 5 weeks spa resort at same place where I went in 2006 in January 2009 for Spring 2009.

Some of you remember my thread of 2006...

We are prepare for our oldest son's future after finish his college in July 2009 than worry about our plan... When preparation for my son is over then consider our vacation plan....
DVR? whut DVR!?

Digital Video Recorder, it's a player or satallite/digital cable box have a hard drive inside to storing the movie or tv programs.

I have digital cable DVR box (Scienific Altanta 8300 Explorer).
boy when u guys say 2009 I feel like it was only 1999.. :P I graduated from h.s in 1999 so 10 years reunion is coming up for me next year.. eh and of course turning 31.. lol but of course it is long time from now.. ;) and what more my sis is graduating from h.s on my birthday... i was like oh crap lol.. another graduation to worry about but me being 31.. geez... I'll see how I feel when 2019 comes :P sorry folks for going off topic here... :giggle: