Wow, I can't believe there's lot of people have so dirty attitude agianst the animals which God gave to us. That is why I became vegetarian, I believe those animals should be honor, not take the meat from the animals and trashed "it" in the garbage. Animals IS NOT TOYS.
I understand your view. That's the animal's dens. Humans and animals are not the same in my view, but it may be the same in your view.
In my opinion, I believe that the reasons why we have those insects/bugs/animals are because, we are learnin' from them what they build, and many things to help a human bein' to think of somethin' idea to create for people... so, people can live better and easier. For instance : The birds fly and a man may wonder HOW the birds FLY.. tryin' to figure out how to build an airplane to fly just like birds. The planes have their wings and tail by copyin' birds. It works successfully. We are learnin' many things from animals/insects/bugs and crawling things.
I guess, someone needs to create a thread about this issue. I don't want to go off topic from what this thread is all about.
The only different I see between animals and humans is the brain function. All of each species that are created have very different body function than each other. There is no way for humans to act like pig, there is no way for spiders to act like dog, there is no way for birds to act like fish, etc etc etc, it's only our species that are different.
Some animals such as chimpanzees and dolphins are nearly as inteligent as we are. I also read in a book about a arangutan (primate) who got himself out of his cage in zoo by using a wire with the lock and hiding the wire in his mouth. Some primates also pick up sign language and can communicate with others.
My rats and Jilli my guide dog are also smart and have better personalities then some humans.
My doctor refused to do a hysterectomy on me.

I asked not long ago after mum died of cancer. I wanted it done as a precausionary measure but also because I don't want kids.
Totally agree with you!

and thanks btw
You gonna remember that Atheists believe that humans are animals! I gleetfully don't believe that we are animals.
Who told you that only Atheist believe that animals are the same humans? I know there is atheist that eat meat and careless about the animals.
Think over before you speak.
If society accepts that people are just another kind of animal, then it so much easier for society to accept abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, forced sterilization, and genocide. Dehumanizing groups of people is one tactic commonly used by those who support racism.
All creatures have bodies and souls. Only people have bodies, souls, and spirits. Only mankind is made in the image of God. THAT'S the difference between us and the animal kingdom.
It's not the "parts" that we have in common that relate us to animals; it's the one "part" -- the spirit -- that we have that is different, and that separates us from the animals.
Excuse me, don't forget God create the animals too. God didn't create animals for us to trashing them.
Gosh, it always make me so angry when people act like the animals are just things, I believe the human was not the first thing that ever created human in earth, I believe there is VERY small living object around the earth, then it evolution into varies of species, and there, humans became exist. I believe God make the evolution.
Those people who believe animals is just things, no soul, no feelings, no love, etc etc etc are not respecting God's creation.
Sorry I sounds so harshy on this post, but I always wish I could punch some people's face for treating their animals like shit.
Oh yeah, I am going to revenge those people who think only Atheist believe that animals are the same as humans. Here is my quote:
Those people who believe that we are not animals are just scare to make us look like ridicilious.