Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

I have always be prolifer but now I am at the age where I can see if any older women who accidently got pregnant and find baby to be deformed, I would abort it since I do not feel it is fair for them to live a life with too much suffer.

My son told me not too long ago about their friend who was pegnant and found out the baby would not be born alive but it was against her father's religion belief and forced her to carry the deformed baby to full term then the baby dies right after birth. Not worth to carry for 9 months to mess up women's hormones if the child can not be alive after being born. I change my mind to give women choice for special reasons, but I am against abortion for as birth control.
I doubt that abortion would illegal in US, it won't happen though.
I'm sure that women would upset if happen when ban on abortion but only 2 states don't accept Roe vs. Wade.

State abortion bans seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade

South Dakota

Main article: Women's Health and Human Life Protection Act

On February 24, 2006, the South Dakota State Legislature passed a bill that was signed into law by Governor Mike Rounds on March 6, 2006. The law purports to make performing all abortions a felony, including those for pregnancies resulting from rape and incest. The bill does make an exception for a woman's health, but also directs the physician to make a resonable effort to save both mother and child. Should he fail to save the child (that is, if the child’s death is an unintended consequence of saving the mother), the doctor will not be prosecuted. The bill is worded as follows:

The bill states in Section 4:

"No licensed physician who performs a medical procedure designed or intended to prevent the death of a pregnant mother is guilty of violating section 2 of this Act." [5] Section 2 is the text of the bill that bans abortions, given below.

Section 4 continues:

"However, the physician shall make reasonable medical efforts under the circumstances to preserve both the life of the mother and the life of her unborn child in a manner consistent with conventional medical practice. Medical treatment provided to the mother by a licensed physician which results in the accidental or unintentional injury or death to the unborn child is not a violation of this statute." [6]

The bill states in Section 2 (referenced in the wording of Section 4):

"No person may knowingly administer to, prescribe for, or procure for, or sell to any pregnant woman any medicine, drug, or other substance with the specific intent of causing or abetting the termination of the life of an unborn human being. No person may knowingly use or employ any instrument or procedure upon a pregnant woman with the specific intent of causing or abetting the termination of the life of an unborn human being." [7]

Although the health of the mother is protected, doctors will be prosecuted for any other reason. Its sponsors hope that a court challenge of the law will provide a vehicle that will allow the Supreme Court to reconsider and overturn Roe.


Mississippi’s House Public Health Committee voted on February 27, 2006, to approve a ban on abortion similar to South Dakota’s. The Mississippi bill could be voted on in the full State House the following week, and if approved, move on to the State Senate. Governor Haley Barbour told reporters that he would probably sign the bill into law if it makes it to his desk, though said he would prefer it to have an exception for rape and incest. Mississippi already had some of the strictest state abortion laws, requiring a 24-hour waiting period and counseling for all abortions, and the notification of both parents for minors who seek the procedure.

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do not want to bring those old days back, women went to illegal abortion place and ended up dying themselves from faulty abortion.

I'm sure that you are confused with sentence.

I said that I don't think that abortion would illegal and won't happen for long time.
I'm sure that women would upset if happen when ban on abortion but only 2 states don't accept Roe vs. Wade.

The key word there is seeking. A state make seek to end a women's right to choose, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. As of now, the US Supreme CT, has said that a woman has a right to choose an abortion. Until that is overturned, that's how it is.

States have imposed certain restrictions on abortion (some of which I agree with), but we haven't seen the Supreme CT overturn Roe V Wade yet.

Personally, I hope that never happens. If it does, we could see alot of desperate women doing things that could harm their heath and well being.

That thought makes me shudder.
The key word there is seeking. A state make seek to end a women's right to choose, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. As of now, the US Supreme CT, has said that a woman has a right to choose an abortion. Until that is overturned, that's how it is.

States have imposed certain restrictions on abortion (some of which I agree with), but we haven't seen the Supreme CT overturn Roe V Wade yet.

Personally, I hope that never happens. If it does, we could see alot of desperate women doing things that could harm their heath and well being.

That thought makes me shudder.

That's true, I support about separated in between government and religion, also women have rights to abortion for some reason, even rape and many other thing.
I am pro-life because I am living proof my mom said no to an abortion and here I am today. :) :thumb:
Volcom, please don't stir the shit. It's not a surprise that Heath would be against abortion. He's entitled to his beliefs. Lets leave it at that.

Well, I just curious but relationship isn't easier to handle it.
After viewing the graphics, I'm still for PRO-CHOICE! People abort babies for various reason and that's their decisions..

It's ok, it's your choice. I didn't posted that to freak anyone out anyway,
And I'm not going to jump on anyone who are pro-choice either. ;)
Well, I just curious but relationship isn't easier to handle it.

OK, but Volcom... THINK!! He's a staunch Christian. He isn't going to waver in his belief, and asking him that kind of hypothetical question is just asking for a heated debate that can turn ugly very quickly.

Abortion is a hot button topic. It's likely that a flame war can start if we're not careful. Its best left not to elaborate too much on WHY we feel the way we do.

If you want to discuss this, PM might be a better place.
I'm sure that you are confused with sentence.

I said that I don't think that abortion would illegal and won't happen for long time.

I do understand you clearly. My problem is today with Christian movement, they can change the law to make it illegal. never know.
OK, but Volcom... THINK!! He's a staunch Christian. He isn't going to waver in his belief, and asking him that kind of hypothetical question is just asking for a heated debate that can turn ugly very quickly.

Abortion is a hot button topic. It's likely that a flame war can start if we're not careful. Its best left not to elaborate too much on WHY we feel the way we do.

If you want to discuss this, PM might be a better place.

Ah... It's alright.

I wouldn't bring same thing again to Heath.
I am pro-life because I am living proof my mom said no to an abortion and here I am today. :) :thumb:
That's a good way to put it.

Also, I know that if the biological mother of one of the thread author's friends chose to have an abortion instead of adoption, she would not have that friend today.

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