Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?


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Jun 2, 2003
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My husband Jeremy and I am both pro-choice. Because we believe it's a woman's right to choose. Not every woman wants to be a mother or aren't ready to be a mother. In this world, there are so many unwanted children and that are not loved also. Why should bring a child in the world when you are not ready to be a mother and that it's not wanted?

Men that are prolife thinks abortion is wrong.. but the thing is.. they never experienced pregnancy and have no say in it. But there are some wonderful guys that are pro-choice and let the woman decide or discuss the options together. Good relationsips are important.

Some of my friends and relatives had an abortion and they had no regrets. They said it is the best decision for them. Go to the website I'm Not Celebrating The Right To Choose.. and it's about women who is totally prochoice and had no regrets of terminationg the pregnancy. I am always behind my friends' decision and would do what I can do for them.

Both of my pregnancy is wanted and loved. I am glad I created this 2 children with my husband. :)

P.S. Please no BASHINGS! :ty:
I honestly tell you, i really understand what this talking about.. as for me I am strongly anti-abortions.. But depend on what kind of their situations want to have an abortion for deadly reason..
Yes I second that, FelixKat.

I support pro-choice but I'm against if anyone who abort dozen of times when they know there're sex protection.
I'm a pro-life, and I believe in the right to live....If some people don't want to have a baby, then be smart by protecting themselves then they wouldn't have to make a decision on having an abortion...but if the mother's or the baby's life is at risk, then an abortion is okay...

I respect those who are pro-choice, but I hope to get the same respect back :)
Yes I can understand, Angel but I respect every woman's choice but to me is different.

To me, I would not abort when I know baby is health or risk.... I would give baby up for an adoption if I feel that I'm unfit mother and can't give baby my love. Look around many childless married couples who want to adopt and give baby love.
Yes I agree Liebling, I was watching the news a couple of days ago about a newborn baby was found in the pond, and Ohio has this new law about unwanted mothers can drop their newborn baby off at the police station or fire department with no questions whatsoever, but a unwanted mother decide to kill her baby just to get ruid of it so no one will know, I think some young girls needs to understand that there's nothing to be scare about, and the Ohio laws are here to protect those unwanted mothers and their babies...As it explains clearly that they will not ask for their ID, or any personal questions, all they had to do was drop the newborn baby off and leave ....and btw the fire department was just down the street from where the baby was found at in the pond...So sad it had to end that way :(

Here's the link Dead baby girl found at Canton pond
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But I do agree with Liebling and ^Angel^ with some reasons.
Used to be a pro-choice, now I'm pro-life, my reason is simple, I've seen one woman who had 4 abortions and said if she became pregnant again, would do it again. That's the idea that shows me that there are careless people out in the society who thinks abortion is the only way out out of their problems without protection, when they should be having safe sex. Is it fair to kill an unborn baby just because one doesn't want to have safe sex?
Yes I agree Liebling, I was watching the news a couple of days ago about a newborn baby was found in the pond, and Ohio has this new law about unwanted mothers can drop their newborn baby off at the police station or fire department with no questions whatsoever, but a unwanted mother decide to kill her baby just to get ruid of it so no one will know, I think some young girls needs to understand that there's nothing to be scare about, and the Ohio laws are here to protect those unwanted mothers and their babies...As it explains clearly that they will not ask for their ID, or any personal questions, all they had to do was drop the newborn baby off and leave ....and btw the fire department was just down the street from where the baby was found at in the pond...So sad it had to end that way :(

Here's the link Dead baby girl found at Canton pond

Yes it's the same here in Germany as well.
Pro-life here but I do understand if a woman has to get an abortion in order to save her life if it is too risky for her to continue with her pregnancy.
It's terrible... Its hurt to see the pictures....

Accord German law at few years ago, we are allow to abort baby up to 12 weeks, not over 12 weeks but risk reasons is a different...
There are cons and pros in Pro life and Pro choice... i am between them...depends on situations...
I'd say pro-life, I didn't ask to be born, and my life hasn't always been a walk-in-the-park, but I'm happy that I'm alive and I'm glad that my parents didn't abort me.
I'm pro-life, women probably have rights to abortion for someone who raped them or sexual abuse, except normal life like girlfriend or wife depends on their boyfriend or husband's feeling that need have children.
I'm pro-life. Abortion=killing.

The only exception I have to this belief is if giving birth would kill the mother.

Why should bring a child in the world when you are not ready to be a mother and that it's not wanted?
Because adoption is a more ethical alternative--it gives the child a chance to live in a home where they are loved.

Men that are prolife thinks abortion is wrong.. but the thing is.. they never experienced pregnancy and have no say in it. But there are some wonderful guys that are pro-choice and let the woman decide or discuss the options together. Good relationsips are important.
1. Not all pro-life people are men. Many are women too. Most of my female friends are pro-life.
2. This is a very selfish statement about how men have no say in it. People shouldn't be fooling around with sex if they don't want children. That's what sex is for--having children. End of story.
3. So a good man is a man who obeys your every command? I'm as anti-chauvinist-macho-crap as most women out there, but this is ridiculous. The woman and the man should be EQUAL. Neither one should have control over the other.

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