My situation may be different and maybe I have paid more of my hearing aids off that you. But that's ALL I've paid and yet I can still get any repairs needed that I want or even my ha replaced if (god forbid and knock on wood) that is smashed into pieces tomorrow. It just doesn't really make sense what your audi office is doing and you don't HAVE to only go to a court of law to dispute a contract. Furthermore, like I said their could be a slip up in the words and you can benefit but obviously you do not care. We won't pity you or care any longer if you can't get your HA fixed and you don't want help. We offered and you say we are "belittling you". So much for helping someone.
AND I never said you didn't have to pay for your hearing aids whether insurance covered them or not! But you shouldn't have to pay the whole amount off just to have your effing hearing aids serviced or fixed especially when the economy blows and ppl just don't have that kind of money. If that what your audi office expects, for your hearing aids to be paid in full before anything is fixed than your warranty shouldn't start until that's paid, which isn't the case is it? If this is so, than your audi office and whomever makes decisions is a moron.