If you still had a chance before you got CI, would you have tried my HA or equivalent from another brand? What if your audiologist told you that you could get 20db to 30db aided with your HA and hear so much better? I am just curious why you were never given a trial with the best HAs.
I was given Seimens, oticion, phonak top of range powerful digital HA's to try out but my aided scores were still poorer than my widex. So I did try out every possiblities before I got CI
I am impressed if your audie can spot the cheaters. I do believe you when you said you scored 0%(your aided scores aren't much good above 250Hz)
I did notice you hear worse with CI at 250Hz and below, will it ever be possible to at least match your HA in the low frequencies?
How can it be worse than my HA's... my hearing is sooo much better than it was ever!! I am able to hear alot more than i ever did! AND I NEVER had been tested at lower than 250hz so would never know the result and i am not going to bother my audi with that, I am very happy with what i have got, although i would never be a musician i love what i hear through my Ipod, Previously i weren't able to enjoy music as they sound too soft and mumbling with HA, now i just about to be able to tell what intruments they are playing, I can tell which music i don't like, it's always same one so since then i have removed the ones i don't like
FYI I told you already in previous posts that i am hearing at 30/35db not 40 that was my first month hearing. Since i was born deaf my brain had very little stimulation with the HA's for 30 years, the Audi doesn't want to fry my brain with too much stimulation also i had difficulty at first month where i experinced non auditory stimulation. Once at first month post Activication the Audi did a sweep beeps and we were able to pin point where i was having problems and since they were switched off (I think I have #10 #11 #12 #13 electrodes turned off, Since then I was able to hear better and asked for more stimulation since i wasn't experincing any non auditory stimulation.
I was racing all weekend albeit late to reply to this post, It was my 2nd and 3rd race of the season and for the first time i was able to follow skipper's/captian's intructions without lipreading, I was flabbersgated that I just picked it up, ALSO it was VERY windy, I was surprised i could pick words over background noises!!!
I will keep searching Google for evidence. Actually, there's evidence that CI wearers usually hear music worse than HA wearers. Overthepond is evidence she hears worse with her CIs at 250Hz and below.(she might have heard worse even at 500Hz and 1000Hz if she had gotten the chance to try my HAs, my audiologist would have tried to aid her to 20-30db) But of course no HA would ever aid her at 2000Hz and above since she had no residual high frequency hearing.