Are you guys sick of europe?

I enjoy living in England, I just do not take notice of politics and stuff as to me it is not important. I just want to live my life how I want to live it :) To some people, politics is very important but right now it me, it's not
In UK u can eat pizza however you like. In pizza hut, people eat with knives n forks, some with hands. I eat with my hands LOL Some pizza places here like Pizza hut and pizza shops do cut into slices

Same as America. LoL
In UK u can eat pizza however you like. In pizza hut, people eat with knives n forks, some with hands. I eat with my hands LOL Some pizza places here like Pizza hut and pizza shops do cut into slices

there's pizza hut in UK?? huh.... interesting!
I heard that in UK, you have to eat pizza with a fork and knife. They do not cut pizza in cut some of them yourself. It is not proper to eat a pizza with your hands over there. My friend visited UK and learned about that, ha.

Pizza Hut did slices pizza andf lot people can eat pizza with their hands. I think only snob people eat pizza with a fork and knife.

I like europan because there is a different place. My favourite place is Spain. Why? Because foods is so great, better weather than UK and beach. :). One day i hope visit to austraila !
I apologize for inflicting McDonalds on Europeans. Maybe the Ben and Jerry's makes up for it a little. :lol:
I apologize for inflicting McDonalds on Europeans. Maybe the Ben and Jerry's makes up for it a little. :lol:

I wish we had adopted the European way of eating instead of vice versa. Maybe we would have less obesity!
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Nah! I would love to go to Europe one day! :D I'm sure its worthy experience. Well... I prefer to live in my country. :P
Obesity is a problem everywhere. Even Japan is having skyrocketing obesity problems. Got nothing to do with American food, but rather the ingredients we use nowadays, plus more and more people are white-collar.
Yeah, but look at the portions they serve in Europe. They are so small! Here in the USA it seems that we GORGE ourselves each time we have a meal. :P
Yeah, but look at the portions they serve in Europe. They are so small! Here in the USA it seems that we GORGE ourselves each time we have a meal. :P

I love the USA. Wish I were richer!
Yeah, that's the typical european attitute I know of, quite terrorital. Fortunately not everyone is like that, but my impression is it's much more common in europe than US. It's normal for soccer fans to group up for massive fights after matches, never heard of that kind of violent behavior in NFL, NBA etc.

Yeah, I hear that's quite common in Europe. My brother in law Jurgen's parents are Italian (Dad) and French (mom) and they live in Austria. German is my brother in law's first language. I'll have to ask Jurgen how Austrians treated his parents when they first moved to Austria.

Well I've certainly heard of violent behavior of NBA and NFL stars if not the fans of the NBA and NFL teams.

I'm not a fan of what the Brits call football so I'm not likey to get caught up in the fights that I've heard of so often.
I heard that in UK, you have to eat pizza with a fork and knife. They do not cut pizza in cut some of them yourself. It is not proper to eat a pizza with your hands over there. My friend visited UK and learned about that, ha.

:lol: Thats so funny! Those British are so civilized!:giggle:

But seriously though, your friend must of seen people in a fancy restaurant because I lived in London for a few years and British people often eat stuff like pizza, chips and sometimes even chicken with their fingers just like the rest of us!:D

I always wanted to move to England.. Lots of history..Don't think I"ll ever move there though. I rememeber i got some brit mad at me and she said i'd be taking jobs away from the natives.

Aw, don't let 1 idiots coments let you form a view. British people are among the most friendliest and nicest people that you are ever likely to meet anywhere in the world.
And hey! If me, an Irish guy can say that, well there must be some truth in it!:lol:
Inspired by another thread, I challenged myself to see if I could come up with what's wrong with europe, and realized europe not is that perfect.

Many politicans and corporates are corrupted here. It's plenty of cases, look at Italy, where the ruling party was funded with aid from the scilly mafia, or France, where presidents have been caught taking money from oil companies. Not to mention Iceland, the nation that went bankrupt, with the aid from greedy politicans and stock traders in London and Den Haag.

Almost half of the money that runs through the european economy have been in the hands of the russian, alban and italian mafias. They make money on human trafficking, drugs, weapons, fake products, illegal waste and so on. The mafias also controll prostitution and drugs where it's legal, that's the real reason the goverment want to shut down red light disctrict and cofee shops in amsterdam. Getting a decent job in Italy, without getting in touch with mafias is hard. The criminal systems are everywhere, and it's not cool like in Godfather, just ugly, limiting and greedy.

Racism is emberassing, people fear Islam, and switzerland try to ban minarets. Europe, unlike the US, don't have a glue on how to include immigrants into the societies. Immigrants from north africa are put into slavery around the midterrean countries. It was in europe holocaust happened. It was europeans who traveled to america and killed indians.

The last thing about europe, is the old history. Europe reminds me of a teared down place, tired of all the conflicts, empires, religions and wars that have ruled the continent. All that is left in europe, is the myth of ancient nations, even if most, if not all nations emerged just a couple of centuries ago. And that myth is showing cracks nowdays, rendering europe even more wrecked.

All we got left, is a free press and health care.

I want to move!

Agree that Europeans are greedy and selfish not showing any respect to many native cultures around the world including us here. We help them to survive and showed them how to grow crops and get fishes to eat on the table. We are still discriminate as usual. No change. :(
We do have Pizza Huts down here, too :thumb:

And we eat our pizza with our hands, or knife and folk; either way it doesn't matter. But, of course, we eat chocolate bars, such as Snickers using a knife and folk. :wave:
Obesity is a problem everywhere. Even Japan is having skyrocketing obesity problems. Got nothing to do with American food, but rather the ingredients we use nowadays, plus more and more people are white-collar.

I agree, obesity is everywhere. I have never been to America, but I know a lot of people who have, and they all tell me that American meals, particularly restaurant/take-away meals, are usually huge and delicious. :)
And we eat our pizza with our hands, or knife and folk; either way it doesn't matter. But, of course, we eat chocolate bars, such as Snickers using a knife and folk. :wave:
Yep, you got that right.

And no, Jiro, I don't eat chocolate with knife and forks. :roll: