Are you environment-friendly?

Do you follow to put recycle things seperately for environment?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 65.8%
  • No

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Can't be bother

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters
Well politics do effect everyones lives on every issue. This is america where you can say what you wanna say under the gurantee in the 1st admendment in our consitution.America is unlike any other country in the world. You know if you posted your mind in iran the shities would behead you! Thats why no one has the internet in iran except the government and the press.
Somehow I already voted this, but of course I would vote yes.

It's not easy to be environment friendly while I live with my roommates, they just don't give a fuck about the environment, but I do.

I reject my car for several reason, including to save the environment while I was carpooling riding on the city buses.
my hometown always usually have recycle include glass,newspaper,plastic,cans,etc for save worlds what really serious needs!

but i didnt use recycle for anythings what im really needs and i have green boxes and my mom says dont need to using that boxes!

when i was at my old school have serious separation include same kind recycle cans,glass,newspaper,paper,etc for more reasons and going to store recycle to save any prices they going to KC,MO big Recycling company any types its neato.

when i got out my mom's house one days and i will using recycle boxes or not when i got married one days if i would must using that recycle boxes its laws to save the worlds.

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