Are You Embarrassed Of Your Forumming?

Are you embarrassed of your forumming habits?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 3.7%
  • No! Not at ALL!

    Votes: 20 74.1%
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    Votes: 6 22.2%

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New Member
Apr 26, 2009
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I have to admit, I do not like to discuss my forumming and I do not want people to know. It's kind of like a private thing for me. I guess you could say I am a bit embarrassed of my habit of forumming. I can't really explain why, though.

Does anyone else feel this way?
No. Not really. Maybe I'm too careless about what people think of me? :dunno:
No.. I am not.. I actually brag about this site. Often ask others to read on.... Even if they are not members of this site.

Shhhh.. My Momma reads this site from time to time... :giggle:
No, besides you guys, the only people I talk to are my family. Sorry to tell you I tell them all about AD.
I constantly keep my wife updated about the political debates that take place on here. Today I had a debate about CI vs. no CI and when the person I was debating with asked me where I read so many stories about the CI, I told her all about AllDeaf. :giggle:
I put sort of in the Poll. Sometimes I feel like debating or want to share my opinions on discussing how I feel being deaf and why I am disgust with oral only when we could not get sign language or ASL. Sometimes I tell my husband about what is said on AD but mostly I keep reading and not tell him what is being said here. He is hearing. My husband is getting older, even though I am four years older than him. He gets tired and want to go to bed. I love to discuss so I am not embarrassing about discussing in the forum, but sometimes I just don't want to discuss in other topics, because it will bring WAR. I am bad. :naughty:
I don't share all the ranting I do here on AD. :giggle: It's nice to rant to people that "get it" for once.
I replied No because I don't use AD during times when I shouldn't be. I read what I can when I can and post feelings on some of that.
Most of my friends know how addicted I am... They don't judge me... they just don't see the point LOL... They are mainly people not using the net much ;) I wish I could slow it down which I managed to do the past two/three weeks. We'll see how long it lasts this time! :D
It's more of a "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." thing for me.

I don't go around telling people about things I do online. I only bring it up if I'm starting a conversation on something that I read in a forum.

For instance, "Oh, I read this joke earlier today in an online forum. There was a boy..."
Wow.... If ANYONE asked how many post counts I have had on all of my forums, it'd be easily over 200k.

I do post about 200 posts a day on all of my forums total.

I've also posted 200 posts on in less than a day before. :eek3::D

Vampyro has deleted about 300 of my posts as well, lol.
It is more of Don't ask, don't tell thing. When I am at work, I am too busy with my duties to think about AD and whenever I am on break or not busy, I like to joke around with my coworkers. I seem to show more of my serious personality side on AD than I do out in real life. With my family and friends, I prefer to talk about silly subjects or joke around to get laughs.
Just wanted to add that I don't discuss forum matters with my friends. They just know I am addicted since I have a couple of own boards too... ;)
I do a bit of the same as the people who said that they have a bit of a "don't ask, don't tell" type of thing. Like sometimes I will mention something that I read "online" or something like that, but I usually just don't talk about my online occurences.
I do a bit of the same as the people who said that they have a bit of a "don't ask, don't tell" type of thing. Like sometimes I will mention something that I read "online" or something like that, but I usually just don't talk about my online occurences.
The problem that people have is that they tend to get nosy or make wrong assumptions based on websites that you see.

For instance, I tell people that I visit a website. If they've never heard of it, they often assume I'm surfing where I shouldn't. :roll:
I don't discuss forum matters with my friends. This is my life.
I do a bit of the same as the people who said that they have a bit of a "don't ask, don't tell" type of thing. Like sometimes I will mention something that I read "online" or something like that, but I usually just don't talk about my online occurences.

Same here and if someone askes me where I read that, I tell them AllDeaf.

When I first started posting on a regular basis, I did tell several of my friends about AD but they didnt seem interested so I never brought it up again except whenever they ask me where I learned of something.

It is not a big deal. Many of my deaf friends go to Deaf Reach or something like that.
I belong to another forum besides this one, which I am about as active on--a couple posts a day or so. I don't really talk about it with people in "real life" because they just wouldn't understand. Being a member of an online community is like being a member of any other subculture. Someone who is not part of the community is not going to understand the inherent values, humor, and meaning in that community, so why bother telling them?
The problem that people have is that they tend to get nosy or make wrong assumptions based on websites that you see.

For instance, I tell people that I visit a website. If they've never heard of it, they often assume I'm surfing where I shouldn't. :roll:

Or they think it's Wikipedia! :lol: