Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

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LinuxGold said:
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View Poll Results: Are the Muslims really Terrorists?

My Answer:

Look at Timothy McVeigh, is he a Muslim?

My reason for my answer:

Timothy McVeigh might be a role model to those who are extremists that resulted into terrorist(s). Somebody can be a extreme Christian, killing abortionists, making Christian society to appear absurd, strict, over disciplined or various extreme reasons. It doesn't necessarily mean that Christians are really murders. Al-Quesdia is a specific extremist group that spawns terrorists based in their extreme belief in Muslim or similiar belief(s) where their own justification seems to be the authorative reason for murder. Someone who believes in their faith or religion exceedingly often became so delusional that they think that their actions will be justified in their own power. Therefore Muslims are not singled out as terrorists and that is a generalized statement. Someone with extreme influence, i.e. Timothy McVeigh, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and various major figures are those who spawn terrorists, not just Muslims. Therefore, is Timothy McVeigh a Muslim? No, he is just one of those who influence people to turn into terrorists and not fearing death.
McVeigh and his supporters were a small extremist group who committed one heinous act that was strongly condemned by all mainstream Christians and Americans. The Muslim terrorists are many, many in number, they commit repeated acts of terrorism, they are supported by many, many other Muslim people, and are not condemned by large numbers of Muslims and their leaders. The Muslim acts of terrorism are not infrequent isolated incidents. They are frequent and widespread, and have a long history. There is international cooperation and involvement. They are supported by governments.

Just because people of other religions and beliefs sometimes commit terrorism doesn't negate the fact that most international terrorism now is part of an organized Muslim war of terror.

Again, I did not say that ALL Muslims are terrorists.

I did not say ALL terrorists are Muslims.

I do say that we cannot ignore the terrorist attacks by Muslims.
We should not ignore ANY crime of any kind. I can post articles of local robberies and murders on a continual basis, but it serves no point. We ALL already know what the terrorists do. Acting as if we are ignorant of the fact that terrorists exist and killing/injuring inocent victims, that's insulting our intelligence.
*Sarcasm mode on* Well, hell, let's all go home and close up this shop and not discuss anything! *Sarcasm mode off* If you think you are above a given topic, then just turn up your nose at it and go on to a topic that inspires you. We don't need to have someone dictate to us what (within the parameters, of course) we should or should not discuss. Jeezz....
It would probably have been better served in a separate topic set up for terrorists. The topic here is "Are the muslims really terrorists?" Bringing all these news articles up here I believe serves no purpose but as a propganda tool to create more hatred against the muslims. We should unite together to stand against the terrorists, but not the Muslims.
*Looking around* I don't see anyone here stupid enough to engender an increased hatred of Muslims; we know the context of out of which we are discussing the topic here, don't you?
Most of the muslims are good in nature.But if any muslim becomes terrorist surely he doesnot have knoweldge of his own religion.They donot have their own brain.Firstly, we are all humanbeing.GOD made human. But we people divided ourselves in different religions,caste,races etc.In the past number of fights were fought only due to religions,caste etc.We should forget our religons that is secondary thing for us. We all are humanbeing and should think of betterment of world and mankind.
:rl: :fruit:
It's true that Muslims didn't recieve criticism from their own; Muslims in other point of view. They share the common medium; they condenm the existance of Israel and its supporters. It's like most Christians are against abortion, internally they abhor abortionists, wishing that they wouldn't exist, but they also condemn taking them under our hands, killing them to justify Christian's reason. Morality comes first in Christian world, and I seriously doubt that Muslim share the same morality sense, standing out their opinion against terrorism. They probably are under some pressure by their own faith not to criticize the people of their own faith? Even government backing? I'm not saying that Muslims might have that point of view, but in absence of criticism, it seems like that way like Reba mentioned previously. Like in Arab nations, wives are kept silent in submission to their husbands, therefore the same in Muslims in their superiorities? I'm not sure on how they work, but it seems like that way.
Tousi said:
*Sarcasm mode on* Well, hell, let's all go home and close up this shop and not discuss anything! *Sarcasm mode off* If you think you are above a given topic, then just turn up your nose at it and go on to a topic that inspires you. We don't need to have someone dictate to us what (within the parameters, of course) we should or should not discuss. Jeezz....
I do not see how he dictate us in what should not be discussed. His authorative refute seems to be powerful and directly to the point. He is just trying to show us different point of view, something that might be shocking and I realized his point.

Since Muslim didn't criticize terrorists actions in open, using any media possible, such as televised statements, magazines, working directly with government with major agreements to work together like a true American and so forth. Lack of criticism is really "self-explanatory" in how Muslim look at terrorists. Hence the question: "Are the Muslims really Terrorists?" stands out to show their true color, their roots and everything. If they did criticize in open, then this question would have been obviously answered as "no", but rather it's ambigous on how Reba looked at it that way.
kuifje75 said:
It would probably have been better served in a separate topic set up for terrorists. The topic here is "Are the muslims really terrorists?" Bringing all these news articles up here I believe serves no purpose but as a propganda tool to create more hatred against the muslims. We should unite together to stand against the terrorists, but not the Muslims.
You're right. We shouldn't. Therefore, Muslims should openly oppose terrorist acts in various kinds of medias and such to assure us that they're on our side against terrorists. Did they attempt to communicate to convey their opposition to the terrorists? That is the whole point of this discussion.
Hmm... I wonder what is our current standance in this thread after viewing that link?
Three arrested for Tel Aviv bomb

Associated Press
Saturday February 26, 2005

Palestinian security forces have arrested at least three suspected militants in connection with a suicide bombing that killed four Israelis at a Tel Aviv nightclub, acting on orders from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to track down and punish those responsible.

Palestinian security officials pointed to the Lebanese guerrilla group Hezbollah, which has been trying to disrupt an informal Mideast truce, as the apparent mastermind of the attack. Abbas hinted at Hezbollah involvement, holding a "third party" responsible for the bombing.

Hezbollah, which is funded by Iran, has hundreds of West Bank gunmen from various Palestinian militant groups on its payroll.,2763,1425993,00.html

I refuse to answer this question.

Why? The question is too GENERAL.

I would say, "yes, some of them are. and no, others are not."

I do not want to stereotype muslims.

Why don't you post a poll, and ask if Christians are terrorists?

I will give you the SAME answer-

"Yes, some of them are. and no, others are not."

(if you think i'm wrong, google "Tim McVeigh". Enough said).
Man Accused of Plotting to Assassinate Bush

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — An American citizen was charged Tuesday with conspiring to assassinate President Bush and with supporting Al Qaeda.

...Abu Ali faces six counts: conspiracy to provide material support and resources to Al Qaeda; providing material support to Al Qaeda; conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists; providing material support to terrorists; contribution of services to Al Qaeda; and receipt of funds and services from Al Qaeda.

...More than 100 supporters of Abu Ali crowded the courtroom Tuesday and laughed when the charge was read aloud alleging that he conspired to assassinate Bush.,2933,148338,00.html
Abu Ali...was born in Houston and raised in northern Virginia, just a few miles from the nation's capital. He attended the Islamic Saudi Academy and graduated as valedictorian.

The private school's teachings have come under scrutiny since the Sept. 11 attacks. Federal court documents in a case against another academy graduate suspected of terrorism indicate that student discussions following Sept. 11 took an anti-American bent and that some students considered the attacks legitimate "payback" for American mistreatment of the Muslim world.

Last year, the school also faced criticism for using textbooks that taught first-graders that Judaism and Christianity are false religions.

Schumer spoke to reporters Thursday, voicing the concern expressed in his letter to Bandar and the Justice Department about the school.

"The Saudis have through the years set up madrassas, usually in poor countries like Indonesia ... that teach Wahabi fundamentalism," Schumer said. "In part [those teachings include] that Muslims who are not fundamentalists ought to be scorned ... and they often teach that it's [the students'] purpose to die for Allah."

"It looks like this school appears to be Saudi funded," Schumer continued. "I want to find out if this school was one of those maddrassas ... [because I believe] if there were no madrassas, there would have been no 9/11.",3566,148338,00.html
Yes all Muslims are terrorist to the Christian world.

Muslims are threat to America. They want to spread their muslim religion in our country. Muslims' serect goal to convert Earth to Muslim world. If you don't believe it and I would suggest you to look closely what Muslim's leader are doing.

OFC, I am not pointing out to entry Muslim people but to the muslim's religion.
shezzbeav said:
I voted no...

My mother is a secular Muslium and her mother's family are secular Musliums as well.

I have some Muslium friends and they are very nice, tho I find them quite bizarre.

Adolf Hitler was a Nazi terrorist for fuck's sake.
Well, You know what? Nazi never involved like terriorist muslim did done to my country like they blew twin towers up... Someday, U.S.A. will realize that germany's nazi was right about jews(star of david) and arabs(muslims) are bloodsuckers. they invaded my country and bashed white and black christians.. because muslim or you mad that ISLAM never gain to rule the world.. remember that 3000 years ago, islam and jews try to set up in europe to rule over europe... but Europe immedaitely kicked them out of their country like history's repeat itself... they knew jews and arabs wanted to destory the europe's country and rule.. but they blocked them out of their way and then killed jews and arabs.. Because They caused trouble in my country like they did done to germany and others.. I am black but I admired Adolf Hitler's own mind's statment what he had said about them in his own politican party.. I read author of book about him, not about nazi.. he was very charmsitc person.. foolsh jews or bloodsuck musims never have charmsitc and rehotic person like hilter did.. Like malcom x did.. frankhan do still doing today... jews or arabs acts regilious and worship stuipd things... You got mad at Him because Muslims were destoryed in gemany country before NAZI rise and became popular with NAZI party.. gremany of people follwed him because he had powerful mouth with GREAT CHARMASTIC THINGS. Nazi bashed them and destoryed them muslims of gypies off from their lands.. I am not surprise that sure In America will become new nation of another new name of group itself rise and against muslims and against jews and against asians too.. because I DISLIKE they brought their stupid eastern cultures as cult in this clash of CIVILZITION here and everywhere in world.. i wait for very migtly CHARMASTIC MAN rise in america would have new leader who anti-semties and anti-muslims, I would be follow him. i admire him as my charmsitic man's leader.. Because HE is the WORD OF MY INTELLIGANCE ANGEL I put in his mouth speaking out against foolish jews and muslims.. rid of them out of my country..

I knew his background that he married 9 year old girl.. HE IS PSYHCO SICKO!! Muhammad was a Muslim terrorist for fuck's sake.

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Hello? Im muslim. Muslim people dont always support terrorists groups or stuffs. My family and I believe that those terrorists such as Al-Qaeda, they r not true Islam because they killed a lots of people in middle east n attacked WTC because they dont show respect, cares for others and themselves r stupid group of people. Im one of those anti-terrorists. I love America, I born in America, proud to be American. Well, not all muslims married with youngest female/male, why dont you study about Islam? Muslims' religious purpose is that shouldn't steal, lie, disrepect, do bad things, drink beer or wine, nor eat pork. You can't citrized people's beliefs and religious. Ya'll shall try to meet some muslims people and they will explain in depth about Islam. Anyways, my point is that not all muslims r dangerous or terrorists.

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