Are ghosts real?

no not really

Ghost Hunters is like a reality show about hunting ghosts i love the show smile
I do not believe in Ghosts, I refused to talk to any spirits from the dead, as you know I'm a Christian, and according to the bible it says that the dead do not have contact with the living, Those spirits are unclean spirits or demons. I'm not trying to scare you away or anything, This is just what I believe.

I think Byrdie said it correctly, A twin can sense their other twin. I am a twin, My sister and I can sense each others feelings and emotions. It's more like a connection, maybe this is what your daughter is sensing in her mind, and in her heart. :)
I do not believe in Ghosts, I refused to talk to any spirits from the dead, as you know I'm a Christian, and according to the bible it says that the dead do not have contact with the living, Those spirits are unclean spirits or demons. I'm not trying to scare you away or anything, This is just what I believe.

I think Byrdie said it correctly, A twin can sense their other twin. I am a twin, My sister and I can sense each others feelings and emotions. It's more like a connection, maybe this is what your daughter is sensing in her mind, and in her heart. :)

I was born and raise around old buildings and houses and maybe that is why I do. I dont know. What about angels? Would you talk to angels? Like if someone in your family had passed away, do you talk to them from time to time? Like you miss them and things like that?

Yes, very true all twins do have sense in each other. I am sure it is a wonderful feeling. My sister and I were not twins but we do have a strong connection. I know that feeling.
Interesting you brought up deaf schools...I've heard that there are many deaf schools that have ghost stories. Mine did...the kids who grew up on campus will tell me many stories - kind of like oral literature (except in sign language, obviously) - where the stories pass from generation to generation. Plus part of the campus is built on top of a grave site.

(Sorry about your uncle.)

Yeah I'm one of them with strange experience at deaf school. I was in dorm doing my homework and only 3 girls were in dorm and rest are at sports activities and 2 staff with us too but I was far in living room when rest is in office and homework support room. I felt hard tapping on shoulder I turned around, nothing's there only slight draft then I turned around back doing homework again same thing and then for 4th time I got pissed off and threw my homework on couch and signed to invisible air and I was yelling in sign "stop! Leave me alone! I'm trying to do my homework! Stop tapping my shoulder! Go away! I can't see you signing cuz you're ghost and ur hands is invisible so go away bother someone else!!!" and stood there looking around the building and sit back down, didn't bother me since I thought it was funny cuz it mean the ghost was deaf and understood my signing. So I asked staff that work here for long time and went school there too when kid, I asked if there is any death or any famous story she said yes she remember in 1960's 2 teenager girls hung themselves in dorm room in basement
Talking about creepy! (There's pipe around ceiling in basement so its believeable and she's pretty old like in her 50's 9 years ago so)
But I still have hard time understanding and believing in ghost, spirit and energy matter because I don't believe in god(s) or any higher being only human instinct and why is there strange unexplainable things occuring in the universe if there's no god(s).
Maybe small part of new age religion is accurate? (About spirit, energy stuff existing but magic, spell is just plain hilarious)
We'll never know...
What about angels? Would you talk to angels? Like if someone in your family had passed away, do you talk to them from time to time? Like you miss them and things like that?
I already said it all on post 67. "angels" whatever you call them are "spirits".
Do you believe ghosts - regardless of what form - exist in our world? .......... What do you think? Are ghosts real?

Yep, and it's great to have them around... They take care of you.
BTW - you could call them "angels".... same thing, but it might make you feel better...
I do not believe in Ghosts, I refused to talk to any spirits from the dead, as you know I'm a Christian, and according to the bible it says that the dead do not have contact with the living, Those spirits are unclean spirits or demons. I'm not trying to scare you away or anything, This is just what I believe.
You say "I do not believe in Ghosts" but you refuse to talk to them.... and then "unclean spirits or demons"...

so you do believe i ghosts... you just use another name for them....
I already said it all on post 67. "angels" whatever you call them are "spirits".

Angels and spirits are not the same thing, they are two different things. But I am sure you call it what you will in your own mind. :cool:
I do not believe in Ghosts, I refused to talk to any spirits from the dead, as you know I'm a Christian, and according to the bible it says that the dead do not have contact with the living, Those spirits are unclean spirits or demons. I'm not trying to scare you away or anything, This is just what I believe.

I think Byrdie said it correctly, A twin can sense their other twin. I am a twin, My sister and I can sense each others feelings and emotions. It's more like a connection, maybe this is what your daughter is sensing in her mind, and in her heart. :)

What does christian have to do with ghost? There are no such things as unclean ghosts, There are some ghost are good, some ghost are bad and there is demonic spirits not same as human spirits. Some ghost that were once human probably was murdered, or someting did wrong to that person probably because they can rest in peace. Have you thought of that way? I am not trying to be cruel here. But this is the facts how i see it.

Speaking of twins, yes I believe that is true they do share some esp and feelings, becase twins are usually close.
Yes I do believe in ghosts and I do know they do exists. My favorite cousin who died suddenly of a freak accident in 1993. 3 days later after the funeral that night She came to me thru my dream and told me she is fine and is not in any pains. She told me to tell her mother and her daddy (my aunt and my uncle) that she is fine and that she love them very much and that she will see them someday... i told her sure i will be glad to.. i told her why did u have to go ?? i started to cry and she hugged me and said well it was my time to go.. i will be ok.. and we will see each other again someday, ok? she signed ILY to me and hugged me then kissed my cheek then floated down the field then disappeared... i woke up with tear in my eyes.. i knew she did came to me.

i also have twin infant sons and my infant daughter came to me in my dreams.. hugging me and told em that they love me sooo much! Also thanking me for getting them a wind chime for their graves. They love the music... they all danced and sing... that was a music to my heart... they do come to me thru dreams from time to time... :)

My great grandma came to me thru my dream.. but i didnt understand what she wanted? i think she just wanted to check on me?? she never spoke? So not sure what it means?

I also do feel something on my leg many times... i believe it was my dogs.. mac, dun, maybe my cat Patches? I dont know.. or my angels?? i am not sure... TJ said he see his baby brothers and his baby sister here and he talk to them??

even my stepdad Roy came thru..i saw his shapego by so fast and his smell of cigars. I know he is around and checking on my mom... my mom see his spirit go by and smell his cigars too.

my old house is haunted.. it is an old lady who died there and she is still protective of the old house. i see so many things there that had happened throughout my growing up years.

so yes i do believe in ghosts/spirits. :)
I don't believe in ghosts as the spirits of dead people.

I do believe that Satan uses his demons to appear as spirits of people who have passed.

I also believe that people's minds can be effected by deep emotions, mental illnesses, chemical imbalances, drugs, and physical illnesses, which can be manifested as ghostly visions.

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