Ditto. I remember when I was so young, one counselor rented a movie, Nightmare On Elm Street: Part one... It freaked me and some boys out (At that time, we went out at the cabin for camping during weekend). It is my first horror movie to watch. There is no one who sit down and explain about fake and all or wrong & right. At that night, I couldn't sleep all the night... but it was my good experience. I watched many horror movies in my young and these movies hasn't done any damage to me either.Fly Free said:as for myself -- i watched many R rated movies when i was as young as 8 or so thereabouts and yea my folks knew -- viewings included some horror movies and they hadnt done any damage to me![]()
Actually, it is not horror flicks that is the source of these 'violence' behaviors in nowaday, it is something else that many parents does not realize..well, not yet anyway.