Are children who act in rated 'R' movies allowed to see them?

Fly Free said:
as for myself -- i watched many R rated movies when i was as young as 8 or so thereabouts and yea my folks knew -- viewings included some horror movies and they hadnt done any damage to me :dunno:
Ditto. I remember when I was so young, one counselor rented a movie, Nightmare On Elm Street: Part one... It freaked me and some boys out (At that time, we went out at the cabin for camping during weekend). It is my first horror movie to watch. There is no one who sit down and explain about fake and all or wrong & right. At that night, I couldn't sleep all the night... but it was my good experience. I watched many horror movies in my young and these movies hasn't done any damage to me either.

Actually, it is not horror flicks that is the source of these 'violence' behaviors in nowaday, it is something else that many parents does not realize..well, not yet anyway.
Oh sorry Magatsu , I was actually reading the topic of your thread, so the question you asked, well if the kid played in that movie then I'm sure he has a copy of it....I mean he was an actor in that movie why wouldn't he allow to watch himself act in that movie even if it was a ' R ' rate?...
TiaraPrincess said:
I remember an interview on tv about doing the JoAnn Bennet Ramsey movie about her life that the child goes through a psychological evaluation to see that they are okay in the show. Maybe that's the same with all star children?
Ah, I didn't think about that one. You have a good point. Yeah, it is more likely that they did with these children when they are finish with making the movie.
^Angel^ said:
Oh sorry Magatsu , I was actually reading the topic of your thread, so the question you asked, well if the kid played in that movie then I'm sure he has a copy of it....I mean he was an actor in that movie why wouldn't he allow to watch himself act in that movie even if it was a ' R ' rate?...
It is no problem ^_^ Actually I don't mind since some of you brought up some good points.

Anyway, yeah that's what I thought so when I read Steel's post. It does make sense that they are allowed to watch that they are acted in regardless of rated. But I am wondering if they are allowed to watch the movie with nudity scene that they are acted in?
nude? *ahem*.....I suppose ummm that they will get a permission from the young actor/actress's parents before the young child is able to play a role in that movie, and I'm not quite sure if the parents will allow their child to watch the movie he/she played in...Boy, I'm just glad it not one of my children :/
Edward Furlong was born in 1977 - so therefore, he was 15 when he did T2. *shrugs*

In my opinion, I think it's morally wrong that kids are watching R rated movies (M) -- my ex step children were allowed to watch R movies when they were about 10 years old...thanks to their mother. :roll: I even was shocked when they suggested this very provactive and sexually explicit movie, 'The Sweetest Thing' -- lots of sexual references..they were 12 and 14. *rme*
That is only only contained to movies, but to violent video games as well.
Also, another thing -- horror movies from the olden days -- they were presumed OK for kids to watch, but with parental consent though. But today's films..they're much more violent and heaps more of sex, so I won't allow anyone under 15 to watch it. I know many won't agree with this, but its just IMO. That's all.
Ohhh Magatsu

I get it... I disagree with Child Star under 18 yrs old will be in movie Rated R and R-17. Best for children to be in move Rated G, PG, and PG-13. I know that T-2 child star is not alone in Thriller Movie but others movies too,like Sixth Sense and the Exorcist. Maybe Child Star's parent are "hungry money" if they pay so much money. For me, I will turn down and protect my child from terror, nightmare, and fear in her/his dream. If she/he is already make a Thriller movie and what will happen to child when she/he come home in real life? Will she/he change his/her life such as fear, nightmare, or else? I hope they have counsolor to make a deal with child that Thriller -movie is not Real-Life.
The question about whether the child actors would watch R-rated movies they starred in....I've read somewhere years ago that even if they did take parts in those type of movies, the young actors are are not allowed to watch them until they are older. I think it is pretty ironic.
ravensteve1961 said:
Toonces did you watch Pet Sematary?

No, I haven't seen the movie, but I think I read the book (and it was a long, long time ago). If I remember correctly, it's about the family who buried their dead cat in the graveyard for the animals, and it comes back to haunt them... isn't it? 0_0
Ah. I don't watch R-rated horror movies very much (too gory for my taste). I prefer PG-13 verisons, although I will watch only if it is about ghosts. The ghosts are far scarier than anything, IMO! ;)
Frankenstein may be a little scary, but he can be destroyed in the end. With ghosts, it is different. You can't destroy then, and no matter how many times you tried to exorcise them away and pray they never come back, they will always pop up unexpectedly and scare a whole load of tar out of you, lol. That's why I enjoyed watching movies like "Sixth Sense", "The Others", and "The Grunge". :D

To Mod: if we happen to veer off the topic, go ahead and scold us. :Oops:
Fly Free said:
Child actors who played in R rated films i imagine also has seen the movie -- i mean wouldnt they have already known the story line and all that from their scripts qq

as for general public and children -- theyre not allowed in movies that are showing R rated flicks unless accompained by an adult

as for myself -- i watched many R rated movies when i was as young as 8 or so thereabouts and yea my folks knew -- viewings included some horror movies and they hadnt done any damage to me :dunno:
Actually, R-rated movies are done differently when children are involved. They usually do non-violent and non-cussing scenes with children. If children are involved in cuss and/or violent scenes, they would have to have their parents' permission.
Did you like the black ghost capture that bad guy? That was the strangest scene in that movie.

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