Our son has an appointment in 2 weeks in the cochlear unit. Our appointment consists of SLP and Social Work. We are still awaiting an appointment for audiology... they will be getting back to us shortly. I don't know if he'll be a candidate but I want to revisit it.
He also has an appointment at our regular hospital for his scheduled hearing test on Monday. I'm going to look into ordering him a set of Naida's and a FM system at home. He's eligible for new aids in 3 weeks.
As for progress, he's doing awesome. Everything has happened in the past couple months. He knows about 10 signs now. And we're recognizing a lot of speech - although it is missing a lot of consonents but intonation is there. For example, "peek a boo" is "eek a oo". I honestly don't think he's getting all speech with his aids - which is why we are not recognizing his words. I think he is trying to speak but gets frustrated when we don't understand him. Poor little guy! :| He can only repeat what he hears.
He also has an appointment at our regular hospital for his scheduled hearing test on Monday. I'm going to look into ordering him a set of Naida's and a FM system at home. He's eligible for new aids in 3 weeks.
As for progress, he's doing awesome. Everything has happened in the past couple months. He knows about 10 signs now. And we're recognizing a lot of speech - although it is missing a lot of consonents but intonation is there. For example, "peek a boo" is "eek a oo". I honestly don't think he's getting all speech with his aids - which is why we are not recognizing his words. I think he is trying to speak but gets frustrated when we don't understand him. Poor little guy! :| He can only repeat what he hears.