Apple or Pumkin!!


Lets ride horses!
Premium Member
Aug 10, 2006
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This Fall season for apples and pumkins

What your favorite made of apples or pumpkins??

My favorites is

Apple Muffins


Pumkin cream cheese pie

I want to try taste of Pumkin soup?? is it good? :)

Yummy but watch out my weight lol

I love apple pie...

I make pumpkin puree from real pumpkin

MY friend go nut over my pumpkin pie, but I don't eat them yuck!

BUT I am nut over pumpkin bread. YUMMIE!
my homemade apple pie


my homemade pumpkin bar. (i'm not forward, everyone beg me to make it all the time) urgh..
sound interest about pumkin bar? I wish beg you tell me .. heh
Same as here! I love them with either whipped cream or New York/Homemade ice cream- YUMMY!!!

I also like DQ's Apple Pie and Pumpkin Pie Blizzard but they doesn't make them anymore :(

I love Honeycrisp apples which is Minnesota's official State Fruit....

I lurv both pies.. :)
I'd rather homemade better tasty than factory made!
I lovveee homemade Apple pie. I often baked apple pie from my own apple trees.... also make apple juice as well...
ohh intersting but I do not have steamer pot :( ..I will ask my mom if she have :lol:

put apple in there and it will like foggy inside and let dripping there?

Yes, that's exactly...

I have many juices.... We drink them or make them as jellies jams... put juices in freezer...
ok kewl ! will find about apple juice to add up or just apple nothing added like umm sugar or else :)

You know there're different apples... Some of apples already have sweets and some apples are sour...

I use sour apples for jellies jam - I have to add sugar to make jellies...

I use sweet apples for drink juice then I do not need to add sugar in it. They are natural without chemistery.

Cooking apple for make pie.
You know there're different apples... Some of apples already have sweets and some apples are sour...

I use sour apples for jellies jam - I have to add sugar to make jellies...

I use sweet apples for drink juice then I do not need to add sugar in it. They are natural without chemistery.

Cooking apple for make pie.

Ohhhh I got it now it would be great without sugar yaya lol :lol:
Pumpkin pie w cool whip is the MUST........ apple pie is a okay for me it depend on my mood unless it goes with vanilla icecream on top heh