Hi, my family and I live on the second floor of an apartment complex and my neighbor downstairs is bullying me. She says that I am too loud. This particular neighbor complains about every thing though, I mean when the dryer is on she complains and everyone who has lived in this unit has been scared away or evicted because she complained too much.
I have asked the apartment manager to switch us to a downstairs apartment so this wouldn't be a problem. Me, being hard of hearing, things need to be louder for me and living upstairs is not a good idea. So I asked them to switch us but they won't unless we pay a new deposit, a whole new app fee, and new background check. I feel this isn't fair and feel my rights are being violated.
What do I need to do to get my apartment complex to move us with out all the fees?
That's wrong. I've switched apartments in the same building in the same complex, from an upstairs apartment to a downstairs one, without paying any of those crazy fees and without any background check. I had absolutely no issues. My only reasons for switching was for my safety due to my disability and I was worried that the metal plates that held the cement stairs had rusted into such snaggy conditions that if the back of my summer skirt or a pair of tatted old jeans got caught on the metal I would trip and fall. The management/landlord had absolutely no issues and switched me when a ground floor apartment in the same building became available. I didn't even need a doctor's note at all. I no longer live at that complex now though. I moved out the weekend after Turkey Day just last month.
Your landlord is totally in the wrong. They just want to suck all the money they can get before you finally move whenever in the future. They're just being greedy, selfish bastards who only sees the money signs $$$$$$.
Good luck and I hope you succeed but you shouldn't have to move just to aplease your neighbors. You're deaf and can't hear your own voice? The washer is too loud? They don't want to hear your cat or dog fart? Too bad for your neighbors! They are just being totally unreasonable. Don't let them drive you out of your apartment! They're whiny little dicks. Stand strong and stay where you are. They can't get the landlord to evict you just because they can hear you or the washer or whatever sounds that are at reasonable volumes for whatever time of the day it is made at. Screw the neighbors. Don't let them deny you your right to a normal everyday life and make you tiptoe around your apartment just because they "can" hear 10 times better than bats. They're just being dicks.
I agree with you 110% I've been there before. It sure sucks and we had to talk with Landlord and straighten things up. Luckily we only live Apt complex 6 months. Also I never had issue when we asked to transfer from one room to another for reason, As long as it's same rental price, no whatsoever charges on that, just change addresss and room number then sign it.
Sound like his Landlord is dirty jerk. Best bet is to talk with the Bank or Company that owns the Apartment complex. Landlord is just the "underlings". It works like a charm when Landlord blamed us for leaky water and expect us to pay $1,500 damage. It was never our fault so we went to Bank that owns and control Apartment complex. They gave us a waiver and warned Landlord to leave us alone. Landlord was pissed and kept mouth shut until we moved but funny thing she got fired a month later then new Landlord came in so We don't have to worry about grudgy Landlord at all.
After having worked for a company that did construction, and both owned and managed rental property for many years before retirement I can't resist making some comments about industry terms. What Catty is calling "Landlord" is commonly known in the industry as the "Property Manager". The Property Manager may be someone hired by the owner or the owner may do their own property management.
I could see there being some at least a temporary addition to the security/damage deposit until the unit being vacated has passed inspection for any tenant caused damages but NOT additional fees.
A what?
Hi, my family and I live on the second floor of an apartment complex and my neighbor downstairs is bullying me. She says that I am too loud. This particular neighbor complains about every thing though, I mean when the dryer is on she complains and everyone who has lived in this unit has been scared away or evicted because she complained too much.
I have asked the apartment manager to switch us to a downstairs apartment so this wouldn't be a problem. Me, being hard of hearing, things need to be louder for me and living upstairs is not a good idea. So I asked them to switch us but they won't unless we pay a new deposit, a whole new app fee, and new background check. I feel this isn't fair and feel my rights are being violated.
What do I need to do to get my apartment complex to move us with out all the fees?