AOL/Internet Addiction

Originally posted by Lasza
Me soon quit AOL. Switch to cable modem tomorrow. Yay!

The reason I am planning quit AOL cuz of technical problems epecially buddy list, rip off costs, internet seem not smooth, no backbone in DSL system, and more more.

Once I quit, I vow myself for not get AOL account again at all. Not care how kewl about AOL's future version. Seem my AOL Addiction is slowly faded.

Oh, whoa. I don't blame you. Ofc, we can keep in touch though.

AOHell can go to hell... wait a minute I already said AOHell...:lol: I am still on 56k line through Juno... i have no problem lately but sometime it disconnect me oh well... at least I'll have 2 more months of using 56k and start to use Gallaudet ISP and use it for 4 years! LOL
I do not use AOL, because I prefer to use a DSL service.

I think if you give AOL more time, and you'll be surprised to see how AOL improve especially with Microsoft allowing AOL to test its versions in the future Windows, which should be a lot better than it has in the past years. Trust me on this one! :)
Originally posted by Brian
I do not use AOL, because I prefer to use a DSL service.

I think if you give AOL more time, and you'll be surprised to see how AOL improve especially with Microsoft allowing AOL to test its versions in the future Windows, which should be a lot better than it has in the past years. Trust me on this one! :)

I considers AOL more as a software developer. Time Warner is taking over their networking, which is good.

AOL program is just a shitty program that get people online.
Originally posted by Justin Sane
I considers AOL more as a software developer. Time Warner is taking over their networking, which is good.

AOL program is just a shitty program that get people online.
Originally posted by Justin Sane
I considers AOL more as a software developer. Time Warner is taking over their networking, which is good.

AOL program is just a shitty program that get people online.

Yes, that's true. AOL is depend on software all the time. Have to sign on for access to the internet. oh plz!
Cable modem seem not require to open the software to get access to internet. AOL is very well aware about lagging and too many subSeven.
I first got the taste of internet was via AOL on my sister's AOL account...never had my own AOL account, was under baby sister's account...never liked AOL cos it sucked big time. :P I got Earthlink which was pretty good.
But now I'm on cable! Cable rawks! :rofl:

I've had AOL for about 3 years now. I don't know why I keep it and I'm paying $9.95 for it each month. I guess I just like having the buddylist on the side docked and it's IM system. The email set up is nice and like that. I don't even need it when I can just use AIM (hate it though), so I guess that's a big reason why I still have AOL. I use IE mostly for surfing the net. I'm an AOL addict I guess?

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