anything goes but spam. questions for women and men.


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Apr 18, 2007
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someone kept complaining -- justified -- about off-topiced posts in the other thread. thus i post a new thread for anything but spam. this stupid offtopic smiley or "offtopic" complaint is no longer applied to this thread. hooraj. anyways, here're questions and comments.

on occasion there seems to be a lot of posts from women in here about men for not treating them ethically and morally. this is not aiming at a specific person but her statement seems may be common among some [or many] women.

I think "most" of them are bunch of useless human beings that likes to hurt women. Through many statistics, men are more likely to hurt, rape, cheat, and control women rather than other way around. I have seen many women around me being hurt by men. I don't want to become one of those statistic. No freakin way. No, I am not attractive to women, so I am not gay either. It's just relationship that baffles me, why should women suffer at the hand of man?

Men don't go after women for love, it's all about lust. I had a good discussion with someone I know who is male at one time about the difference between lust and love. He said that everyone were attracted to each other because of lust, not love. It makes sense because of how our body works, ya know hormones and chemicals.

and i wonder -- did it ever occur to any of you that these women hooked up with wrong men? why can't some women comprehend this fact?

i.e. i went out with an obvious wrong woman and i was criticized by women for hooking up with that woman. i deserved every shred of the scrutiny so i took them in. it seemed common to men who chased after or hooked up with wrong women. but when a woman hooked up with wrong man and had a bad situation. women and men would criticize that man for mistreating this woman but seems don't dare to criticize her for hooking up with wrong man.

what's wrong with this picture? is there an unwritten rule i'm not aware of that we, men or women, cannot criticize women for hooking up with wrong men as they often do and did?

the standard. why should men stick to the standard when some [or many women] don't stick to the standard? i.e. it is okay for women to generalize men as "asshole", "jerks", "pigs" and so on and so on when their ex-boyfriends or ex-husband had mistreated them in any way. but it's no-no for men to generalize women as "bitches", "sluts", "gold diggers", and so on and so on for this similiar situation they had. i wouldn't comment on women because not all of them are alike. duh.

i'm not posting this thread to complain but to comprehend or contemplate this contradictory. criticisms? thoughts? comments? complaints?
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Hmm I have added more message which you didn't bring up in this topic.

Anyway, I think people do criticized women as well. I have seen it a lot in things I have read. Dunno how you have missed that.

I talked to someone at one time and he told me that women have it worse when it come to labels or stigma. Women are look down upon if she is slut or acting like a bitch, but men can be pissed off, acting asshole or be player for all he want and we expected that from men. Women can't because because of society's expectations.

Look at the label, bitch vs asshole. Which is worse, I bet many people would say "bitch" is more degrade than "asshole" because asshole can be used for either one.

Look at all labels that women have. "Dog" vs "slut" which sound worse? Even when people insult men, they got to make sure it includes term related to woman in it such as, "son of the bitch."

"Bitch" sound worse than "bastard"...

Also I think it's in our biological (both men and women) to be more protective of women and children rather than men when such situation occurs. So blame that, not only norm but genes as well...

It seems like you are only seeing it from one side. I have saw how people treated women and how people treated men as well. It's all about expectations and generalizations and it just happens that men did more harmful thing toward their own partners rather than other way around. And because of that, that's where all those labels and opinions come from.

Stereotype does not come from nowhere.

This question can go on forever, only the day it will come to end is the day woman and man are treated as all forms whatever it's label or the behavior of both sexes.
Well, I don't know what to say... but I do wonder why some women date or go for men who fit their no-no list.

I've had conversations with women who would describe men that they don't want to date and why. Then, they go after those kind of men anyway. When they get hurt by those problems, they start complaining about the men they are with. Are they just looking for attention?
I think the answer might be simple, if not at least I gave it a guess; They think they can control the guy. Turn him into a cute little boy toy. I guess some chicks get off on making tough asshole guys their pet. While a half baked thought it does seem like a plausible answer right now that would account for 80% of the times they go for guys on their no-no list.
I think the answer might be simple, if not at least I gave it a guess; They think they can control the guy. Turn him into a cute little boy toy. I guess some chicks get off on making tough asshole guys their pet. While a half baked thought it does seem like a plausible answer right now that would account for 80% of the times they go for guys on their no-no list. a woman I'm gonna chime in here. I don't think that women really want to "control" a guy. It's just that we have those darn matrernal feelings and think we can "fix" the so called bad boys. If we just try hard enough. It's our own fault for setting ourselves up for the dissapointment most of the time. Also as women, it's our prerogative to "bitch" about it later. That's life.
Hmm I have added more message which you didn't bring up in this topic.

Anyway, I think people do criticized women as well. I have seen it a lot in things I have read. Dunno how you have missed that.

I talked to someone at one time and he told me that women have it worse when it come to labels or stigma. Women are look down upon if she is slut or acting like a bitch, but men can be pissed off, acting asshole or be player for all he want and we expected that from men. Women can't because because of society's expectations.

Look at the label, bitch vs asshole. Which is worse, I bet many people would say "bitch" is more degrade than "asshole" because asshole can be used for either one.

Look at all labels that women have. "Dog" vs "slut" which sound worse? Even when people insult men, they got to make sure it includes term related to woman in it such as, "son of the bitch."

"Bitch" sound worse than "bastard"...

Also I think it's in our biological (both men and women) to be more protective of women and children rather than men when such situation occurs. So blame that, not only norm but genes as well...

It seems like you are only seeing it from one side. I have saw how people treated women and how people treated men as well. It's all about expectations and generalizations and it just happens that men did more harmful thing toward their own partners rather than other way around. And because of that, that's where all those labels and opinions come from.

Stereotype does not come from nowhere.

This question can go on forever, only the day it will come to end is the day woman and man are treated as all forms whatever it's label or the behavior of both sexes.

Well didn't we realized that when a woman act bitch and a man act asshole are such similar. Example:

Woman Part:

"I still remember you owe me $5, are you paying me back?" asked a child.

"No, you can wait more, I am getting more makeups." said woman, thus she's bitch.

Man part:

"Can we go play baseball?" asked a child.

"Shut up and play with the wall, I need some nap." said man, thus he's asshole.

Being bitch is not really much less or more than asshole. Being bitch are target toward other people's feelings, also being as "rude" to make others feel stupid and worthless.

Being asshole is not much more or less than bitch neither, asshole is toward being aggressive to make others became anger, but can't do anything about it.

I have been living with parents which my dad can be very asshole or my mom can be very bitch, but not all the times. I can tell how difference between bitch and asshole, they usually are very even to each other.

I believe being bitch or asshole is part of our attitude to make ourselves feel better.
Maybe some men need to put a label on them, "Wrong Man". I can't tell.
Honestly. A wolf in sheep's clothing. You need to write
a book. Help us women out. I'll see you on Oprah. BTW, Give me a list
of how to avoid "Wrong Men".
Maybe some men need to put a label on them, "Wrong Man". I can't tell.
Honestly. A wolf in sheep's clothing. You need to write
a book. Help us women out. I'll see you on Oprah. BTW, Give me a list
of how to avoid "Wrong Men".

Hmm... you quite remind me of Deafilmedia... Orpah... Bashing against men... Kinda suspection...
My list...

How to avoid "Wrong women".

1. Watch how she treats other people and family members.

2. If you have to buy or give her gift all the time. (If you don't, she'll be mad).

3. If she falls asleep during sex or complains about how bad sex is.

4. If she won't cook, won't do laundry, won't sweep, then she is lazy.

5. If she won't exercise or go hiking with you, rather eat, eat, and eat.

6. If she sometimes doesn't let you do it your way. (she is controlling)

7. If she constantly says, "Don't touch my things". (Imagine living her later).

8. Tend to get jealous very easily.

9. Mean attitudes toward you or being abusive

10. Drinking heavily or doing drugs.
My list...

How to avoid "Wrong women".

1. Watch how she treats other people and family members.

2. If you have to buy or give her gift all the time. (If you don't, she'll be mad).

3. If she falls asleep during sex or complains about how bad sex is.

4. If she won't cook, won't do laundry, won't sweep, then she is lazy.

5. If she won't exercise or go hiking with you, rather eat, eat, and eat.

6. If she sometimes doesn't let you do it your way. (she is controlling)

7. If she constantly says, "Don't touch my things". (Imagine living her later).

8. Tend to get jealous very easily.

9. Mean attitudes toward you or being abusive

10. Drinking heavily or doing drugs.

Allright, here's my list.

How to avoid wrong man:

1. If he was dumped by too many ex-girlfriends or ex-wifes.

2. Drinking too much or doing the drugs.

3. Tends to get jealous very easily.

4. Mean attitudes toward you or being abusive.

5. Seems too obessive about the sex.

6. If he sometimes don't let you do it your way. (obsiviously he will be control over you)

7. How he treats to his pets, friends, and family members.

8. If he don't take care of his home. (He's lazy)

9. If he don't talk to you much or caring for you, only doing his stuff such like video games. (He will treat you as his slave)

10. If he constantly says, "Don't touch my things". (I know, this is very serious case, my parents have problem with this one)

NOTE: Some of my list was quoted from PlateCafe.
10. If he constantly says, "Don't touch my things". (I know, this is very serious case, my parents have problem with this one)

Whatever happened to the old saying, "What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine"?

I don't call that "arguement". Gamer12 is like hot grease. And I'm just
like to sprinkle little water on him and watch him "pop". LOL!!!!:lol::nana:
10. If he constantly says, "Don't touch my things". (I know, this is very serious case, my parents have problem with this one)

Whatever happened to the old saying, "What's mine is yours, and what is yours is mine"?

I don't call that "arguement". Gamer12 is like hot grease. And I'm just
like to sprinkle little water on him and watch him "pop". LOL!!!!:lol::nana:

Well you are about going to sprinkle little water on me and watch me "pop" too, I can tell, obsiviously :roll:

To Gamer12, sorry for off-topic, I am done with the off-topic here.
Well you are about going to sprinkle little water on me and watch me "pop" too, I can tell, obsiviously :roll:

To Gamer12, sorry for off-topic, I am done with the off-topic here.

I'm not good at debating. If I don't know the answer, I'll tell jokes.
Eh sorry I got to disagree...

4. If she won't cook, won't do laundry, won't sweep, then she is lazy.

What the...? Woman is not a slave. Man can cook or take care of himself without woman's help. Why does women have to do this for men? Unless you meant she is being a slob not taking care of herself in her own apt or whatever. Then I understand.

Anyway, PuyoPiyo, it's interesting to see terms from your point of view. Two men with two different point of views.

I think there was a good list that "Dear Abby" wrote for women somewhere in this thread.

I got to print that list out so I can use it as a guide just in case...
Eh sorry I got to disagree...

4. If she won't cook, won't do laundry, won't sweep, then she is lazy.

What the...? Woman is not a slave. Man can cook or take care of himself without woman's help. Why does women have to do this for men? Unless you meant she is being a slob not taking care of herself in her own apt or whatever. Then I understand.

I think we mean that last sentence you just said, "Not taking care of herself".

Anyway, PuyoPiyo, it's interesting to see terms from your point of view. Two men with two different point of views.

I think there was a good list that "Dear Abby" wrote for women somewhere in this thread.

I got to print that list out so I can use it as a guide just in case...

Allright :ugh3:

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