volcomskatz said:I'm just wonders if they want live or visit to Miami but I haven't been in here since 1992, before Hurricane Andrew is started.
volcomskatz said:I'm just wonders if they want live or visit to Miami but I haven't been in here since 1992, before Hurricane Andrew is started.
Not all of Florida have these pests, you know? In where I live there are none of these around and I have never seen hissing cockroaches before. Are you aware that heat and humid can be worse in some other states than Florida?diehardbiker65 said:Not here!!! I refused to live in Florida!!! For several reasons,,, hot and humid, plenty of huge pest, especially that hissing cockroaches, crocodile around, Hurrincane alley, higher insurance premium due to hurricane alley, too many old people still driving and not paying enough attention. , should I keep go on?
I have experienced both hurricane and earthquake and I must say the earthquake was the worst experience I have encountered because with a hurricane coming we can be prepared but with an earthquake we cannot.Hey, I know you live in Los Angeles.... I would LOVE to live in Los Angeles!!! I missed Los Angeles BIG time, haven't been there since 9/11. I think Hurricane is far worse than earthquake! ANyway, why would you want move to Florida? Los Angeles, I know can be hot, but not as humid as Florida! Think about it. Yea, I know these SMOG problem... oh well whadda me do?
Heath said:With an earthquake, think of it in military terms you got millions of incoming mortar and missiles coming at you really fast with no warning, just very sudden. You really have no control over it.
The same thing with earthquake, trees, book case, the ceiling the roof collaspes on you, power lines crash through houses shocking and killing entire families, things like that, man ..... Earthquakes are like this only 2 things, either you are alive maybe injuried really bad which requires serious hospitalization and big bills or you are simply dead. That is it.
I prefer the hurricane, at least you can see and know it is coming. There is really one option to leave the hurricane area for safer places. If you can't leave the area then seek sturdy shelter but really it makes more sense if you are gonna live in Florida to have an emergency plan in place before you even make the move to Florida. You could have family in say.... Chicago you go up there and stay there till the hurricane emergency passes on the t.v. news.
volcomskatz said:1) There's health insurance to cover injuries from earthquake.
2) Good luck with bigger and bigger mess up from hurricane damage.
3) I don't believe you about military then no more argue, period.
4) Hurricane is occured as many time every years and earthquake is rarer then we don't got one since 1933 then again in 1971 then again in 1994 and nothing new today. In SF, only occured in 1906 and again in 1989, then nothing new.
5) You need escape from hurricane with expensive gas prices or you will end up in hurricane, that no good.
diehardbiker65 said:Not here!!! I refused to live in Florida!!! For several reasons,,, hot and humid, plenty of huge pest, especially that hissing cockroaches, crocodile around, Hurrincane alley, higher insurance premium due to hurricane alley, too many old people still driving and not paying enough attention. , should I keep go on?
Hey, I know you live in Los Angeles.... I would LOVE to live in Los Angeles!!! I missed Los Angeles BIG time, haven't been there since 9/11. I think Hurricane is far worse than earthquake! ANyway, why would you want move to Florida? Los Angeles, I know can be hot, but not as humid as Florida! Think about it. Yea, I know these SMOG problem... oh well whadda me do?