Anyone seen protesters during bushs Inagural route ?

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Magatsu said:
I even saw one cop who harmed a innocent 9 years old girl for no reason. I
I like to hear taylor explain these actions to me!!! See i told you cops are very corruptive. They think theyre above the laws. you should have videotaped the cop doing that and then send a copy to WRC TV 4 and they would had showed it on TV and the next thing youll hear is marrion barry screaming at the police chief. And the officer would eventuly be fired or suspended.
ravensteve1961 said:
I like to hear taylor explain these actions to me!!! See i told you cops are very corruptive. They think theyre above the laws. you should have videotaped the cop doing that and then send a copy to WRC TV 4 and they would had showed it on TV and the next thing youll hear is marrion barry screaming at the police chief. And the officer would eventuly be fired or suspended.
Isn't Anthony Williams the mayor of DC now?
ravensteve1961 said:
You are forgotten something, Bill clinton abuses women sexaulity. He forced paula jones to commit sex acts with him. He had sex with monica lewinsky and turned around and lied to her. And bill clinton turned around and lied to the american people. If hillary elected president I will attend to that Inagural route hold up a sign with part a cartoon of jessie jackson with his pants down as hillary blows him theres a caption says"" Enjoying this hillary?"" :D

Women do not want YOU - Reavensteve because of YOUR attitude problem. Bill Clinton has a very sweet attitude and cherish for illness condition people. We do admire him alot.

Obviously, you are jealous because Bill Clinton has sweet personality !!
Reba said:
Isn't Anthony Williams the mayor of DC now?

yes Reba -- its correct -- its Anthony Williams who is the Mayor of DC -- Marion Barry is the Representative of Ward 8 in DC now

...*snipped*...the next thing youll hear is marrion barry screaming at the police chief. *snipped*

RavenSteve -- u got ur information wrong its not Marion Barry who is the current Mayor :roll:
Fly Free said:
yes Reba -- its correct -- its Anthony Williams who is the Mayor of DC -- Marion Barry is the Representative of Ward 8 in DC now

RavenSteve -- u got ur information wrong its not Marion Barry who is the current Mayor :roll:


This is off-topic, maybe, but I had a question ....

I heard that Marion Berry is trying to inch his way back into the political arena...True?

We can discuss this in PMs or IMs, so as to not bring the thread too far off topic. I was just curious since I heard some scuttlebutt somewhere....

Thanks. :)
Oceanbreeze said:

This is off-topic, maybe, but I had a question ....

I heard that Marion Berry is trying to inch his way back into the political arena...True?

We can discuss this in PMs or IMs, so as to not bring the thread too far off topic. I was just curious since I heard some scuttlebutt somewhere....

Thanks. :)

Ocean -- yes its true he is trying to inch his way back into politics -- we can talk more abt this either in PM or IM land :D
I still wanna hear taylors explaination why that cop hit on that 9 year old girl.
ravensteve1961 said:
I still wanna hear taylors explaination why that cop hit on that 9 year old girl.

First, since when have you appointed me the almighty over all police departments worldwide.

Secondly, I have inkling as to what you are talking about.
I even saw one cop who harmed a innocent 9 years old girl for no reason.

Where did Magatsu say that police beat up a 9 year old girl. I'd like to hear from Magatsu as to what he witnessed.

Steve, I can't answer for all cops....I know you have issues with us, but so be it. From your attitude, you are going to have more problems in the future. BTW, have you been stalking the sheriffs mother lately? I have tried to give a rats ass about you in the past, but you are making it difficult. I'm tired of defending you when all you do is attack me in public and private. If you only knew the shit I did for you in defending you when you had no clue I was doing so. I have made enemies because I defended you.
You want to attack me...then fine. You know my e-mail address....e-mail me there instead of taking your anti-cop attitude out on me in public.
Way-ullll, I do declare....Taylor has blown a positronic gasket.
Hee hee.
Im Not attacking you,,Youre a cop and only you can tell us why they think theyre above the laws. Im sorry if you think i was attacking you but im not. I just feel life is so god damn cruel and unfair to some people. Im not stalking the sheriffs mother. I just wanna complain to her because i want to talk to him and but the supervisor wouldnt let me speak to him. Because the only way to get to the deputys boss is by going to the sheriff. You see in my job customers complain about us and when the customer complains id have to listen to my boss yap at me. So i think when a deputy acts unprofessional and not calling me sir and make comments about my heaering aid id should go to his boss and complain. Rodney Black told the sheirffs dept is very corruptive and if he wins the election i want you tell me who did this to you and i will take approprate action towards him.
Beowulf said:
Way-ullll, I do declare....Taylor has blown a positronic gasket.
Hee hee.

Beowulf, you have no idea how correct you are, sir!

And Steve, I can't answer your question. My understanding is the cops didn't beat on a 9 year old girl. There will be more posted about this incident in the near future by a witness (unless, of course, us cops get to him first, right?)

You have a complaint against your local deputy, then fine...Write all the letters you want to all the supervisors you want....but tracking down the sheriffs mother at her work is giving you an awful lot of credibility.

Sorry....its time for me to get coffee and doughnuts with the rest of the baby beaters. And while I'm there, maybe I'll figure out how to use the Ignore feature that I've been hesitant to use.
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Youre right taylor,,,You cant prove it..Thats why i encourge people to take their video camcorder at national events or anywhere theres news happening just like that guy was videotaping rodney kings beatings and made national news. Video camcorders are the best weapons to use against the police. Cause pictures dont lie.
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