Anyone made vegan recipe with non-vegan ingredients?

Jane B.

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Has anyone made a non-vegan version of what started out as a vegan recipe? For example cow's milk instead of vegan milk called for? I am not vegan but sometimes run across a recipe that looks good but have no desire to get the vegan version of something just for that one recipe.
I have no objection to something that is vegan. BUT I do not have vegan versions of ingredients on hand. Here is another way of stating what I was talking about in my original. Post at times I have seen something on TV and it looks good but I do not want to buy the vegan version of something just for that one dish. So am asking if anyone has made something that calls for vegan milk rather than cows milk but used cows milk because that is what they keep on hand? Another example is vegan thing that are supposed to be cheese???
Has anyone made a non-vegan version of what started out as a vegan recipe? For example cow's milk instead of vegan milk called for? I am not vegan but sometimes run across a recipe that looks good but have no desire to get the vegan version of something just for that one recipe.
Not all food has the same properties for replacing an ingredient so at best I'd say no. For instance I use honey rather than sugar when I bake deserts, but since it's honey I use 1/2 the amount that the sugar is in the recipe. Adding ingredients like meat could change the shape or size of the dish you are preparing. As for milk again, its a property thing...some milks will not dissolve when mixing as in a white sauce.
What led to me starting this is that I am often awake in the early morning and "Create" carries "The Jazzy Vegetarian". She often mentions that an ingredient that she is using takes the place of a certain animal products used in non vegan recipes.