My doctor tested me for PCOS and then told me I got diabetes, that was in the years of 2002, What if I have it for a long time and not even know it, why didn't the doctor tested me every year to be sure if I have it or not, I was onlys 36 years old when told I got it, I was stunned and shocked, telling myself why me and it's so impossible to have it when all those years I was growing up and bam I got the diabetes, it made me so angry tho'.
Forgot to adds this after my doctor told me what I had, he said I wasn't able to have children and after I left his office I cryed soo hard, it's soo impossible!
Diabetes is soo serious, found out if your sugar too high and it eats you up inside, that's pretty scary. My feets feels pretty weird I hated that feeling in my feet, it sometimes feels like it's cold, tingling and little burning feeling, it's horrified me.
My doctor send me to a specialist to find out if PCOS caused my diabetes, but I missed that important appointment cuz I moved out of state, that's why and I'm gonna E-mail my doctor and see if it's possible to removed my cyst and maybe I can be diabetes free.
I even used to have low-blood sugar too, what a mess!