anyone here have a hearing dog?

let a dog run loose? Who does that. Your dog would get picked up by aniimal control here if you did that. I have no small children, and hate to say it but my 2 small dogs are getting old (both around 12)

I have done some researching and found a number of huskies that are hearing dogs. Im looking at huskies and german shepards, as I love big dogs.

There was no ACO where I lived and the cops never where around as we had very little traffic ! It was in the Northern Cal. , a small town called Whitethorn we only had one small country store . This was 36 years ago and a lot of people let their dogs run lose then. When I was a child everyone let their dogs run lose.
I love big dogs too and never thought I would have a small dog. Marty is only 12 lbs but he has a lot
heart for small dog! He think he is big dog! Finlay had a hard time going under the table when I ate out and it when laid down he took up a lot of room. I loved Finlay, but I know when I go out eat with Marty he will be able under the table and not get the way of foot traffic.
And I bet she was a good "Pal," too.

Dogs make such over-size imprints on our hearts, don't they.

OMG ! Finlay made millions of over-size imprints on my heart! He stole my heart! Marty is starting to do the same. He is giving me little kisses on the face now!
Aw. So you're keeping him? Where is that jumping up and down with happiness icon - I need it for you!!

How is he? Getting all better?
Aw. So you're keeping him? Where is that jumping up and down with happiness icon - I need it for you!!

How is he? Getting all better?

Marty is feeling better! He finish the last of his med tonight! I am
hopping he will start having normal poops now. He is getting settled in his new home and want to play all the time now! I found it too hard to give Marty back after staying up until midnight with for the past 3 weeks and getting him healthy! I was worried he would get sick again at the shelter, as they have dogs from countries at the there. He is really a smart little dog!
Where is the button for love, love, love this???? I love it that he wants to play all the time now.

If he still has loose stools, try a teaspoon of canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling, that's a different thing) in his food. A lot of dog-owners I know say that is the perfect remedy for mild diarhhea.
:wave:whatdidyousay!, I'm soooo happy for you!

I tend to have can of pumpkin - or you can get frozen squash and puree - around for that reason, so long as the dog is just exhibiting mild signs and nothing else besides. Pumpkin works for either way really - stuck or loose. Yes, Beach girl is right to make you use the pumpkin ONLY, not the can with the pumpkin pie filling, be sure to read ingredients.
Beach girl, :ty: for description of your wonderful Terrier/Hound boy:) seems like he really neat markings and a cool dog - u happen to have a pic?
Interesting name, quite a lot of background he must have had for you to be the fourth person. How old was he when he came to you?

also very wise of you to think about the needs of the Ridgeback and if you could meet those needs, so many people don't and then we have the shelter situations we have. They are amazing dogs - we considered them also as a first dog. At the time we had difficulty finding reputable breeders to discuss with around where I am and I also wanted more of a "working" temperament as opposed to a traditional hound temperament; wanted herding ability in the dog as well.

Botti, your Pal seems like a great dog, wish I coulda met her:) I can see why you would have adored her. I'm wondering about a picture of Pal, too..?
I love Pitties...get to work with lots of wonderful Bullies at the shelter where I volunteer. Fortunately for me - not so fortunate for them.
Beach girl, :ty: for description of your wonderful Terrier/Hound boy:) seems like he really neat markings and a cool dog - u happen to have a pic?
Interesting name, quite a lot of background he must have had for you to be the fourth person. How old was he when he came to you?

also very wise of you to think about the needs of the Ridgeback and if you could meet those needs, so many people don't and then we have the shelter situations we have. They are amazing dogs - we considered them also as a first dog. At the time we had difficulty finding reputable breeders to discuss with around where I am and I also wanted more of a "working" temperament as opposed to a traditional hound temperament; wanted herding ability in the dog as well.

Botti, your Pal seems like a great dog, wish I coulda met her:) I can see why you would have adored her. I'm wondering about a picture of Pal, too..?
I love Pitties...get to work with lots of wonderful Bullies at the shelter where I volunteer. Fortunately for me - not so fortunate for them.

Only old paper photos and no scanner, so not a photo I can put up. :(
:aw: oh, well am glad for you that have the paper photos to see for yourself, if you want to. What's most important is that you love/d her.

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