Hi again, DuncanDuncan said:Hi butterflygirl again,
your ph at 7.6 is OK. Please do not make them PH SHOCK which would kill your fish.
Well, you need to find out what is ph from your water tap. If your water tap come out at 7.0 PH or higher, you might not need crushed coral. If you want your wather ph more than 7.0 you can add crashed coral mixed with gravel it would be great. Sand as gravel are nothing speical but the ph would be stable.
that s ok you dont want clown loaches in your tank LOL. but there is lot of diffrent kind of loaches , They are come from india.
SherryCherish said:wow, nice breed!
Here i'm cichlid lover.. here....
Red Terror (Elmo)
Duncan said:hey Sugar Addict, any type of heaters might be breakable. If you plug on any type of heaters. when the heaters get too hot when you fill up water, It would be break for sure. when you put heater in your tank fill up water then plug on. it would be fine, when you do w/c, you have to do unplug heater for 5 mins before you do w/c. My personal heater brand name is Selth thomertor is the best one, its very tough heater
When your water has been toxic, you can unplug heater, take out all water, to wash gravel and tank before fill up new water when you put fish then add stress coat. For me when i filled up new water i put lot of airsone run for 24 hours. I put fish in tank and I put full seasons sponge filters run on the tank. it always No problems.
Duncan said:Yes that one is type of Loach. It will eat snails, of course it can eat anything to keep clean gravel and clean your tank but it does not eat algie eater. Be careful with it. It has posion on their gills. Yes its funny to see them.
Duncan said:here is my discus with babies.