Anyone have problems with Nexium (the purple pill)?

Reba, you brought up an interesting point. My aunt takes Nexium combined with two other meds - Amantadine (she claims panic attacks, now I'm more convinced of treating tremors instead), and Ativan (Anxiety). She supplements with OTC Prevacid. I wonder if her doctor is serious? SMH
ACID REFLUX Smoothie... Please Share on your Timeline. How many of your friends have acid reflux and could benefit from this? They can't if you don't share it.

Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups diced fresh pineapple, 1 banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup ice, 1/2 cup pineapple juice or water. Blend to consistency of a smoothie.
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Getting Healthy with Louise
ACID REFLUX Smoothie... Please Share on your Timeline. How many of your friends have acid reflux and could benefit from this? They can't if you don't share it.

Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 cups diced fresh pineapple, 1 banana, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup ice, 1/2 cup pineapple juice or water. Blend to consistency of a smoothie.
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Getting Healthy with Louise

do you think help hiatus hernia...i take domperdon as needed..
Unfortunately, it isn't work for me because my heartburn caused by hereditary and some of family have Barrett's esophagus.

Hmmmm....would be interesting to try it and see. Essential oils can actually re-write DNA. That's part of what makes them so amazing. :)
Ugh, that doesn't sound like fun. :(
I never use any type of drug, not even Tylenol, because of the side effects. Have you ever heard of using Young Living peppermint essential oil for heartburn? I did some looking around and a lot of people have had great success using that instead of Nexium. Best part? No negative side effects! You just put a few drops in water as soon as heartburn comes on. One person I read about did that for 3 weeks (after first trying max doses of Nexium) and now they don't need anything! :)

You're young, easy for you to say that you don't use any type of drugs. Wait until you get older. I said that too when I was your age.
Wirelessly posted

Jess said:
Reba, you brought up an interesting point. My aunt takes Nexium combined with two other meds - Amantadine (she claims panic attacks, now I'm more convinced of treating tremors instead), and Ativan (Anxiety). She supplements with OTC Prevacid. I wonder if her doctor is serious? SMH

Prevacid and Nexium are both in the same drug class they are both Proton Pump inhibitors. She may be getting too much of it, preventing her Ativan from being absorbed. Hence, her panic attacks. Also amantinadine may be the culprit. Giving her a medication to help prevent fatigue along with a benzo. Each person reacts differently. It may work for some and not for others.
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Wirelessly posted

Reba, Talk to your doctor or pharmacist and let them know all the medication you are taking to insure there are no interactions with other medication. Also ask if you can take it in the morning insted. If it still happens it may be a reaction to an ingredient inside the Nexium. Have the Dr prescribe you a different PP to tryI. Protonic, Prevavid or Prilosec. Also Nexium does have a lower dose. 20mgs. Best thing is to communicate with your health care providers.
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A friend takes Nexium and has never had a problem with it. The tremors sounds like something neurological and should be monitored closely if it persists. Possibly try something else and stop the Nexium to see if it stops but if it keeps on I'd see a neurologist and possibly have a EMG or nerve conduction studies done to determine what it is. If it is something neurological it could seriously affect your job if it progressed :(
My doctor doesn't seem to think it's a serious problem.

I'm pretty much retired from interpreting except at church. At church, I'm trying to get other interpreters to take over when possible.

If I hand write anything I have to do it slowly and deliberately. Otherwise, it's not legible.
I'm currently take Nexium everyday - in the morning and 1 hour before meal.
You take it twice a day?

I recommended you to drink water only when medicine is start work for 1 hour.
That's what I drink. My prescription says 30 minutes before main meal of the day.

Yes, there is side effects - I got much gas and abdominal pain - especially in the morning. Take Nexium at night gave me a cramping and bloated - that was bad idea. The diarrhea caused by medicine is less common but I'm more constipated. (it was IBS as primary but Nexium could make little worse, even stop Nexium didn't make much difference to me).
I don't have those problems often but I usually have a vague feeling of nausea most of the day.

I don't know if I experience tremor after taking Nexium since 2010.
I read it on that multi-page list of information that comes with the bottle of pills.

If diarrhea or constipation are problematic, you could try Align. I have bad experience with high fiber diet - made my IBS went crazy and less stabilized.
Thanks but that's not usually my problem.

In past, I took Nexium about 5 minutes before meal made me bloated and feel like I need have bowel movement. That why I don't eat breakfast anymore because my intestine is very active in the morning.
I see.
Wirelessly posted

Reba, Talk to your doctor or pharmacist and let them know all the medication you are taking to insure there are no interactions with other medication. Also ask if you can take it in the morning insted. If it still happens it may be a reaction to an ingredient inside the Nexium. Have the Dr prescribe you a different PP to tryI. Protonic, Prevavid or Prilosec. Also Nexium does have a lower dose. 20mgs. Best thing is to communicate with your health care providers.
At each appointment we do go over the list of prescription and over the counter meds.

I also take two Zantac at bedtime.

I guess I'll have to push harder at my next appointment. Mostly my doctor orders blood tests, and if the numbers look good then I'm fine. She tested my reflexes, and she said they're fine.

I'm beginning to think that she might have low standards for what qualifies as "fine." I don't feel "fine."

Apparently in the VA medical system as long as you can move at all and don't need hospitalization, you are "fine."

I can hardly walk or stand with my bad knee on one leg and bad hip on the other. When I stand for a minute my back and legs start to shake. I have red skin splotches on my back, arms and hands. I feel weak and tired. None of this fits my active life style. :( I thought 60 was supposed to be the new 40, and that I had more good years of life left. I don't feel mentally elderly but my body is defying me.
Interesting...I hadn't heard that, but going on what I know of the oils that I use, I'm going to bet that this peppermint would not, (in fact, would almost guarantee it...I found info on A LOT of people that use it for acid reflux with great results and no problems.)

There are a lot of products out there and even "100% Pure" essential oils that claim to be peppermint but are actually adulterated versions of true peppermint. That's why you have to be so careful where you get essential oils...I just heard the other day about a woman who used "lavender oil" on a burn, (I always use lavender on burns works great!) and ended up in the hospital because it made the burn much worse. Turns out, that company was adding a chemical to their supposedly therapeutic-grade lavender and it was that that caused the problem.

So yeah, it's probably something that peppermint products commonly contain that is bad for acid reflux and not true, therapeutic-grade essential oil. :)

I can't stand the smell of lavender ,
You're young, easy for you to say that you don't use any type of drugs. Wait until you get older. I said that too when I was your age.
True. I didn't use any drugs except an occasional Motrin/Tylenol for pain, until I was in my late 50's-60.

I didn't ask for these medications. I didn't know that I needed them until the doctors told me that I did. I wasn't looking for meds. In fact, each time the doctor recommends one I always ask if there is some alternative, such as diet or therapy. Also, they always start me off with low dosages.
You're young, easy for you to say that you don't use any type of drugs. Wait until you get older. I said that too when I was your age.

LOL! No one in my family uses drugs either, including my parents in their 50s. My mom has had 9 children, (one set of twins) all born at home, no C-sections, no drugs. My oldest sister is 32, has 4 children, does not have any drugs in her house and beat a nasty MRSA infection using Tea Tree oil with the help of her doctor. My Dad has been HOH most of his adult soon as I can afford it, I'm getting him an oil to try that has helped others regain hearing. These essential oils I use...seriously do work better than drugs...I tell everyone I meet about them whenever I can. :)

I have terrible seasonal allergies, especially during the fall months. I tried everything. Max dose of Benadryl made it possible for me to work, but also made it dangerous to drive so as soon as I figured out which oils worked for me, I threw the Benadryl away. Never used it again, oils work faster, better and with no side effects. :)

Warning: TMI...

I have had terrible menstrual cramps since I was 10 years old...the kind that make you miss work/school and just stay in bed for hours in tears...and I'm a pretty tough girl most of the time. I tried everything for that too. Natural remedies, some worked ok, some didn't. Acetaminophen/extra strength Tylenol works with the max dose, but also causes liver toxicity (which I have symptoms of today.) I now have an oil blend that I use every day. My periods are regular, over within 4 days, no more gigantic mood swings and no more cramps at all. HUGE relief after 12 years of misery! :)


I had my wisdom teeth removed about a year ago, one side at a time. The first surgery left me using the max dosages of pain meds prescribed just to be able to sleep, swelled up like crazy and couldn't eat a normal meal for a month. I had a few oils that helped with the pain, but was out of most things.
Had the other side done a few months later. Still didn't have ALL the oils I needed to be able to skip the antibiotics, but after the first few hours, I used only oils for the pain. No swelling at all, was back to eating solids a week later, shocked my dentist! :)

If I get a headache, I use peppermint oil and it's usually gone within 1 minute. Peppermint sends a shot of oxygen to the brain causing a feeling of alertness and knocking out some types of headaches instantly.

If I get sick, I get rid of it pretty quickly....but I almost never get sick...maybe once every two years am I sick enough to skip work.

We used to keep some things like Tylenol on hand for emergencies until I discovered these essential oils and learned how to use them. I don't ever intend to use drugs again. Why would I when I have something that I don't have to wait for it to take effect and does not make me sick now or years down the road? :)
Neither can I...but I love what it does for me! :) I got burned once...should have a scar today, but I don't thanks to using lavender. :)

Aloe vera is great for burns and it does not stink like lavender . The smell of lavender made me sick .
Hmmmm....would be interesting to try it and see. Essential oils can actually re-write DNA. That's part of what makes them so amazing. :)

With Nexium, can't you take it whenever you want, so long as it's a half hour before meals or a certain amount of time after meals? So you could take it before bed, if that makes it easier for you. I haven't used nexium in years, I have to use a different PPI at twice the standard dose. It gets so bad that it literally floods my system and I aspirate it, and it makes me have bronchitis where I cough up acid phlegm for a week afterwards, and it gets into my ears so it burns from my ears down to my stomach.

That pineapple recipe is horrible, as citric acid is a huge trigger for me and for tons of people with acid reflux. Someone mentioned peppermint being a trigger, the reason for that is that it relaxes things so if you're already prone to reflux it just makes it easier to come up. Besides acidic things like fruit and tomatoes, you have your spicy, caffeine, chocolate, carbonation. Chewing gum works better at neutralizing than drinking water because chewing gum (or sucking on hard candy) creates spit which neutralizes and water just spreads it everywhere.

I'm also really skeptical that essential oils can rewrite your DNA the way people are claiming, if it can do it at all.
With Nexium, can't you take it whenever you want, so long as it's a half hour before meals or a certain amount of time after meals? So you could take it before bed, if that makes it easier for you....
My doctor was pretty specific about how she wants me to take it. One Nexium 30 minutes before the meal, and two Zantac before bed, in that order. Sometimes I forget to take them in time, which means I have to skip them until next time.
My doctor was pretty specific about how she wants me to take it. One Nexium 30 minutes before the meal, and two Zantac before bed, in that order. Sometimes I forget to take them in time, which means I have to skip them until next time.

I have to leave reminders to myself or I made a chart with the days and AM and PM and check of the time I take the pill or give one to my dog . This help me a lot . I had to give Marty 3 pills per day when he was sick and the chart was the only way I could remember which pill I gave my dog.
I would ask her what to do if you skip it. Maybe you can take it after your meal as an alternative when you forget. It's definitely a medication that works much better when you have an even amount in your system. If I skip a day, I'm in big trouble.
Oils of any kind can not "rewrite" DNA! Correcting what DNA strands are assumed to be responsible for a disorder is a tall order beyond our means, we can only "switch" them off. You have to find what triggers certain conditions and restrict it, even if it means doing without what you are used to. Drugs can only go so far, your stomach doesn't know that cheesecake, for instance, will lead to indigestion of sorts. It's up to you to manage the condition or put up with the consequences.