Anyone have people hang up when using Relay?

Consider complaining to the Governor's office. Might help. The original concern was about business persons- hanging up- not government services.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Governor of Florida is a piece of crap - he's worse than some idiots I know.
Just today the MD office hung up on me x 3 and the pharmacy x 1. No big deal, my WONDERFUL P3 op redialed for me, explained the relay and we went on. I was able to get in to see the Dr.

I took my netbook and showed the office ladies the P3 program. It connected to the clinic's network quickly and the ladies were really interested. I had to make a second call for a refill and they took the call like old pros.

(I am a Purple fan)
In the past I have shown a picture of Ultra Tec 1140 phone to those who were curious of the phone I was using. No problem-after that. It is real phone.I have checked if I seem to speak loud/clear enough to them-no problem understand me at all.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07