Anyone have or had an weird/exotic pet?


New Member
Oct 10, 2013
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It could be anything that is not regularly kept as a pet. Maybe the weirdest once I have had are a squirrel and a falcon.
I had a scorpion named A$$hole...
I had a pet dove has his wing recovered...
I had sugar gliders...
I had three bearded dragons while living in Arizona (but that's not very weird...)
I used to work for a reptile center and I was in charge of caring for a Burmese Python (6 feet long... She was a sweetheart)
I also cared for Pygmy chameleons, centipedes, albanistic iguana and tailless whipped scorpions... Also monitor lizards which scare the crap out of me because their bite can take off a finger...

A normal breed but a weird individual: I have a cat who brushes his teeth if you don't cap your toothbrush (I raised him from 2 days old so he's a little weird)...

When we no longer have cats I'm getting a Sun Conure and I'm currently trying to find a healthy breeder for another Pygmy Chameleon but they're not easy to find in upstate ny...
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I would never have an exotic pet, it could be a black market animal and will not support that.
My grandma had a sun conure but it died of old age. Hmm...nit all exotic animals come from the black market, but true many do come from there. But some people consider lests say pygmy pigs an exotic which doesnt come from black market. How did the cat learn to brush his teeth? It would br cute to watch a cat do that.
My grandma had a sun conure but it died of old age. Hmm...nit all exotic animals come from the black market, but true many do come from there. But some people consider lests say pygmy pigs an exotic which doesnt come from black market. How did the cat learn to brush his teeth? It would br cute to watch a cat do that.

None of the animals I played with or owned or whatever were black market. They were all through licensed reptile traders..... they're really common in Arizona where I was (there was a Reptile Expo each year too! Ahhhh I miss that).... My AZ reptiles were all rescues with Metabolic Bone Disease (From before I got them).... I left them in AZ because they needed daily warm sunshine and I can't do that in the Adirondacks in NY where it's so snowy.

My cat learned to brush his teeth because since I rescued him I used to walk around with him in a backwards hoodie until he was big enough. It was my idea after seeing the studies on Kangaroo Care in the NICU for babies. Heartbeat and warmth, plus I always knew if he was awake! The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was me looking down at him and whenever I'd brush my teeth he'd see that too. The first thing he tried to play with morning and night was my hand when I was brushing my teeth.

Fast-forward a bit and we started to notice our toothbrushes weren't drying.... I caught him after a shower brushing his teeth, AKA chewing on our toothbrushes like a human might haha the same day we started capping our toothbrushes whenever not in use!
whatdidyousay! likes trees

I likes animals too , and we would be living in a desert if we had no trees.
The tree I wrote about is a great wind blocker , it keep the wind from blowing right onto my condo and it also help keep my car from being buried in snow. And what do have against trees , you do live a house and it took trees to build it. Animals from the black market help drug lords , and a lot of animals dies getting shipped illegally . I want nothing to do with this. My dad lived in the Mexican jungle and he saw how monkeys was taken away from their mothers , the mothers where killed so the babies could be taken easier .
Yes , likes trees and I could care less what you think about it!
That is so cute!!!! I love in the borser between mexico and u.s. so some pets are legal in mexico that are not in the u.s. like the tortoise i have. They are in my house on mexico side. But the couple pretty much arrived to the house by themselves. And they wont leave even if we open the door. And they have had only one baby which also decoed to stay.
That is so cute!!!! I love in the borser between mexico and u.s. so some pets are legal in mexico that are not in the u.s. like the tortoise i have. They are in my house on mexico side. But the couple pretty much arrived to the house by themselves. And they wont leave even if we open the door. And they have had only one baby which also decoed to stay.

Aww! I love tortoises. I used to have a turtle a long time ago but it outgrew the largest tank I could keep so it now lives at a pond with my friend's parents :)
I also had a pet rock once. But they all died :(


Maybe I should have had a taxidermist stuff them?
I have a Macaw named Zeus. I also have a 14 foot longicuda boa. Plus I can't forget my two kitty babies but they're not really "exotic" per se. Between the snake, macaw, and the kitties, I have enough pets to last a bit. Especially since Macaws live FOREVER... He loves curse words... no clue where he got that from... :laugh2:
I want some Macow but they are a little out of my budget..... right now I do have MANY different fish, 2 rabbits, 3 turtles, 3 tortoise, 1 lovebird and that's about it. I wonder why your bird learned curse
I have a terrible mouth. Though I'm typically voice off outside of work.... I can admit to stubbing my toe really hard and yelling / signing some very nasty words... :laugh2: