The last time I talked to the doctor about this, she coolly said that she might be having nightmares, and left it at that. I'm looking for a new doctor. It's not a small issue, in my mind, if my seven month old baby is having nightmares this bad. I don't think, you know, that I can manage the crying it out. At least not cold turkey. I might try to wean her off night-cuddling very slowly at some point, but I couldn't just leave her. Besides, she's so good all the rest of the day about everything that I don't think such sharp action is fair for her.
I think part of my reasoning for being so againist crying-it-out is that my mother, by her own admission left my brothers and myself to cry it out. All three of us are anxious, insecure, and have a deep-seated fear of abandoment. I'm not saying all of this was caused by crying it out, but I'm convinced some of it was. My little sister, however, was NOT left to cry it out. She, in contrast to the rest of us, is secure, self-confident, and has no fear whatsoever that people she loves will leave her. By the same token, my husband and his sisters weren't left to cry it out, and all three are self-confident, strong, and have no fears of abandoment that I know of. Again, I know this is not all due to the cry it out issue, but I'm not willing to even plant a seed of fear that she is unworthy of love in my little Casey.
I am NOT saying that those parents who do believe in crying it out are bad parents, they just believe differently then I do, and that's ok. I just really firmly believe that crying it out for my daughter could be damaging. Now, when she gets over the year mark...that's another story. I realize that toddlers need to be taught self-soothing...I just think a child under one still needs her mommy when she cries.
by the way, I will seriously take you up on that drink Jillio........might sooth the frazzled nerves....