Anyone got promoted???


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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I wonder does you get promoted to anything such as from frying burgers to manager, student senator at large to student senate officicers, asst. coach to coach??

Yesterday I found out I was promoted to be Legislative Director for my college student senate (school had schoolwide election and I won few days ago!) by the way you can e-mail me at if you have any concerns or to keep in touch.
Yeah, a month or 2 ago I got promoted to Assistant Manager, from my lowley basement processor position :) It didnt really do much for me, because I had already been doing asst. manager duties for the past 6 to 9 months. All I got from it was the job title and more money. (Which is never bad... lol) I've been at my job for almost 2 years now. (I was hired June 2002)
When I turned 18, I was promoted to legal adulthood!
Last week Friday on April the 16th... i was promoted to being 22 instead of 21... seriously at my job Walmart recently named me Cashier of the month for March :) now in couple month I'll bother my boss to put me as CSM supervisor then try to go up from there... ;)