Anyone from Michigan?


New Member
Feb 1, 2009
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Hi, I'm new to this, I know, I know ahh another newbie. First off I am hearing. Well I was just wondering if anyone was from michigan on here. Especially the thumb area of it. I am just trying to find someone that wouldn't mind a student chatting with around here.
welcome to AD

i am from Michigan as well in Washtenaw County which is southeast part of the state
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
I am not from Michigan! However.. Hello :)
Welcome to AD. I'm from Ohio, so by state law, I'm not allowed to converse with anyone from Michigan :giggle:
Lindalovessign; you are about two months too late. I just moved out of Michigan to relocate to Arizona. Anyhow, welcome to the AD!
:welcome: to AD, I have several relatives live in Michigan :)
hi lindalovessign :wave:

I am new to and also hearing, although I did just find out I have very mild hearing loss in a certain range <I've been having trouble distinguishing some speech on tv/radio and from far away which I had never had before>

While I am not in MI, I have been there, in the U.P.
But am not far - WI