Anyone ever just throw the HA out and be deaf?

It seems that digital aids is on the rise and I think somebody here had a hard time finding analog aids. I have tried digital aids and I didn't like it all as it sounds so muffle and too soft. I need to hear crisp and clear sounds. What if they decided to do away with analog aids??? When I bought my latest set of hearing aids, I want the same kind as the last one.. I had to hunt for it as my usual hearing aid store doesn't stock it anymore.

That has nothing to do with CIs. I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as analog aids no longer being available. Not everyone can benefit from digitals and the hearing aid market knows that. If hearing aid manufacturers stopped making analogs, they would lose a significant part of their customer base as would audis.
I will get to the bottom of the availability of analog aids in Canada and let you know what I find out.

A good freind of mine works in another province here in Canada in a audiologist office, so he is researching, asking questions to people he knows and trust (audiologists) and is going to get back to me too. My son is home sick today so I can't run around to offices....but soon, sooon.

So far, my freind Brian who is looking into analog aids for me told me he had to double check but thought that there may have been legislation passed in Canada where the aids have to be made in Canada. If this is true, then what my audi said would/might make more sense.....that there are fewer companies to choose from than in the States, etc, etc.

Your audi may have been correct that there are fewer manufacturers of analog aids, but I'm sure there are at least a few you can choose from. At any rate, do let us know what you find out! :)
You talking about the deaf people or hearing people who refuse to learn sign language?? or both sides?

i'm talking about pretty much anyone who puts up a "language" barrier and chooses to keep it up, (i'm not talking about anyone who absolutely can not do anything about it) people that choose to 1) cast out/get frustrated with anyone who doesn't speak it well, or don't speak it at all but still try to come half way or 2) mocks someone else because they can't connect.

For example, I'm part cuban and look spanish, but can't speak it... like at all, and still get picked on cause I can't speak it.

Ex. 2) I used to live in lakeland. went to a mostly white school that had 3 black kids, and 2 mexican kids, and i wasn't light enough to be white, wasn't black enough to be black, and mexicans hate cubans. I was alone. And I hate the fact that people can be perfectly okay with doing that to another person.

dang, there goes half my life's story lol sorry.
I think deaf and hearing people alike are guilty of this.

Hearing people are guilty of this when they don't accommodate a deaf person by communicating in a manner that can be understood. (i.e. terp, lipreading, written communication, etc.)

Deaf people are guilty of this when they expect hearing people to automatically know what is expected of them when it comes to communication.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
NO! I love my hearing aids with all my life.
At the moment it's broken... R.I.P you precious beautiful device. WHHHHHY??? LOL!
I hear sorta ok with it off. I'm just use to it. I grew listening to music and hearing everything around me.
I guess I'm not fully deaf so I love my hearing aids, being able to hear SOUNDS!

I'm really sorry to hear that, sounds like you are really stressed out.
You also won't like it when people accuse you of having selective hearing, claim you can hear better than you actually do, ask you if you have your hearing aids turned on/up or sighing and/or shouting at you "I SAID...What are you DEAF?!" when you tell them you didn't hear what they said. It gets old real fast. Treasure your hearing because you may not have it someday.

haha people accuse me of having selective hearing now, if there's anything called audio-dyslexia I know I have it. Mom says "take this shirt upstairs and put it in your closet" I hear "take this shirt out of the closet, put it on the stairs, and then put it in the fridge" and then I'm sittin there like "eh?... if you say so mommeh". :dunno: :whistle:

but on a serious note, I know it must old talking about your hearing loss... the same way I (and the rest of my family) have to explain my dad's sickness.
people are like "he doesn't look sick at all" and I'm like "yeah, just look at his heart."
and I'm sure that deep down I really kinda do like hearing, but if I overhear one more conversation about some 9th grader sleepin with a 12th grader, or another drug deal goin down in the lunch line, i'm gonna tear my ears out.
My son keeps his HAs in his sock drawer about 99% of the time. Does that count?:giggle:
ooohhh... I thought he's 100% deaf.

110dB loss in one ear, and 90dB loss in the other. About the same as Shel. She has HAs, also. He just prefers not to wear them most of the time.
110dB loss in one ear, and 90dB loss in the other. About the same as Shel. She has HAs, also. He just prefers not to wear them most of the time.

ah-ha.... I need to find out my dB loss in my both ears cuz I can't remember and I didn't care. but I know it's somewhat bad. Gotta dig thru my files for audiogram (or whatever it's called) :mad2:
ah-ha.... I need to find out my dB loss in my both ears cuz I can't remember and I didn't care. but I know it's somewhat bad. Gotta dig thru my files for audiogram (or whatever it's called) :mad2:

ha ha you are not alone. i had no idea what i lost in my ears. No one explains or i don't ask. Now i start to wonder about what i got? umm
ha ha Cute. Is he interested to join here or he has something else better in his own interests than being here. :D

He is in college right now. He'll be graduating in about 2 months, so he won't be as busy. He also volunteers at the Deaf School he went to, so he stays really busy right now. But he has gotten on AD and lurked around when he visits me, and says he is going to join one of these days.
He is in college right now. He'll be graduating in about 2 months, so he won't be as busy. He also volunteers at the Deaf School he went to, so he stays really busy right now. But he has gotten on AD and lurked around when he visits me, and says he is going to join one of these days.

awesome. i look forward to getting to know of him. I'm improving my ASL fluency before I can volunteer at deaf org. I'm sure there's one that teaches computer stuff to deafies.
He is in college right now. He'll be graduating in about 2 months, so he won't be as busy. He also volunteers at the Deaf School he went to, so he stays really busy right now. But he has gotten on AD and lurked around when he visits me, and says he is going to join one of these days.

Sweet!! thats great! i am sure that you cant believe that he's about to finish college this year. i don't know how i feel about my kids finishing high school in 9 or 10 more years to go. :giggle:
Sweet!! thats great! i am sure that you cant believe that he's about to finish college this year. i don't know how i feel about my kids finishing high school in 9 or 10 more years to go. :giggle:

I know what you mean! Time flys by so fast. I cried when he started kindergarten, I cried when he graduated from middle school, I cried when he graduated from high school, and I'm sure I will cry when he graduates college! My baby is all gown up!:aw:
awesome. i look forward to getting to know of him. I'm improving my ASL fluency before I can volunteer at deaf org. I'm sure there's one that teaches computer stuff to deafies.

They always need volunteers for IT stuff, especially things that go beyond the average computer skills. Keep in mind, too, that volunteering at a deaf org is a great way to improve your ASL, too.
I know what you mean! Time flys by so fast. I cried when he started kindergarten, I cried when he graduated from middle school, I cried when he graduated from high school, and I'm sure I will cry when he graduates college! My baby is all gown up!:aw:

lol!! you have... 4 more cries to go

1. first day of full-time career (or any job)
2. his engagement
3. his wedding
4. his first born child

:laugh2: oh man.... i'm getting old..... more than half of my friends are married and half of my married friends already have kids or are having kids on the way.
lol!! you have... 4 more cries to go

1. first day of full-time career (or any job)
2. his engagement
3. his wedding
4. his first born child

:laugh2: oh man.... i'm getting old..... more than half of my friends are married and half of my married friends already have kids or are having kids on the way. I'm depressed!:giggle: