Anyone esle able to move their ears without moving anything else?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2012
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All my life, I've been able to move my ears up and down without touching or moving another part of the hear/face.

I've never met anyone else that can do it. When people try, they move their cheaks up and down as well and their ears don't actually move like mine do.

Anyone else move their ears up and down?

I think it's all to do with ligament/tendon/muscle, whatever attaches them inside to my face.

Lol, I'm weird in a way, as I've been told.
I can move my ears like that. When I do that, it feels like my skin on my skull is moving as well. I checked the mirror, all I can see is both ears moving with no facial expression. However I can't move one ear at a time.
I can move my ears without moving anything else on my face. It took me a while to learn to do it, but I can. I can't move them in a huge obvious manner, but I can move them. Before I learned to do that, I learned to raise my eyebrows (individually). :)
I can't move my ears or individual eyebrows (did sit here and try again just to be sure lol). I am double jointed in all my fingers though. :)
I can - and funny thing my freinds cant. wierd.
Both my father and youngest daughter had that ability. As for me, I had a difficult time even learning to wink! :P
omg i was giving this alot of thought this week(sad life)naider you ask same question as me and later on tonight i will have the answer,i been waiting ages to ask this person that question(i really got get a life) i tell you later the answer
I can do with one of my ears. Could do it with both, before I had my ear surgery.
well i asked my son and he said we programmed and it genetic so in other words he aint got a clue
My sister and I both can move our ears with nothing else moving. Well, nothing visible...snickering
[ame=]Necomimi Brainwave Cat Ears from ThinkGeek - YouTube[/ame]
I think Derek does, too. I was checking out the Airzooka -