I've worked a few graveyard shifts when I was working at my local video rental store. It was usually for inventories and for carpet cleaning.
There was one job with graveyard shifts that I thought might be good, but turned out to be something that completely offends my intelligence.
I heard about job openings at a nearby warehouse. So, I went by to find out what it was all about. I walked in the front door to the front desk and asked the woman there what this job was. She handed me an application and said to be back at 2 pm or 7 pm. I asked again what exactly the job was and what the positions available were. She said she didn't know and told me to just fill out the application, come in at 2 pm or 7 pm, and someone would explain it all to me. I left.
I came back at 7 pm and waited for a while. The lights were off (the only light keeping the place from being completely dark was the sunlight from outside coming through the full-sized windows). No one was at the desk. People were walking out. I caught one guy and asked about the 7 pm thing and he pointed out that I had to go around the building outside through the doors at the side of the building. So, I went there. I finally found the room... being 15 minutes late.
Turns out that there were 28 other people there in one big room. It was more of a group interview. The woman there talked about how the job worked. Since she talked so fast and I was sitting at the back of the room, I couldn't understand much of what was being said. The only thing I caught was "12 hours a day and 3 days a week". I wasn't sure I heard correctly and decided to wait and ask her at the end.
She handed out green and yellow papers that was our test. (They were green and yellow... different questions... so we couldn't cheat from the person on our right or left.) We had 7 minutes to complete the test.
First part? "How many items in 4 dozens?" "I have 2 and a half dozens. How many do I have?" "If I have 36 items, how many dozens is that?" "What is 12 inches?"
Second part? There's a picture of boxes piled up nicely. 4 boxes high. 5 boxes across. 3 boxes back. 2 extra boxes on top. How many total?
Third part? They give you a series of numbers & letters. You copy it in the blank next to the numbers/letters.
Fourth part? They give you pairs of names. You determine if the names are the same or different. "Robert Wagner - Robert Wagoner S D" (Same Different)
Fifth part? They give you a series of phone numbers. You find the matching phone number.
Sixth part? They give you categorized numbers and ask you to match the group the numbers belong to.
Well, I breezed through the test. I looked up and everyone else was still working on it. I looked down to review my answers, double check. I looked up, everyone was still working on their tests. 7 minutes later, test is done and collected. A few minutes later, the woman asks about several tests. Turns out that those people forgot to put down their names. It was in BOLD print in HUGE letters... "YOUR NAME ____________________". How could anyone miss that!? I caught a glance at the other tests. Half of them got a lot of answers wrong.
Last part of the meeting was another handout. This handout asked me when I wanted to work. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 6 pm to 6 am... or Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 6 am to 6 pm. What's the pay? $9 per hour.
WTF!? That sounds like a sweat shop where they look for people who are barely smart enough and willing to work on days where everyone else has off. Forget it.
I walked out.