Anyone Else Think Congress is Inherently Flawed?

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This is a trick question, isn't it? :lol: ;)

Just kidding.

It is flawed. But show me a system of governance that isn't flawed.

I'm glad we don't have a dictator like Libya or Turkmenistan.
Dick Cheney seems to think he was above President Bush. the darkest era ever in history.

I'm glad that I live in a country where I can travel anywhere within without presenting my "papers" like a "good citizen."
well..... you'd have to present your ID to police if they ask for it :giggle: and you'd have to present your ID too to enter any establishments such as bar.

I'm glad that I can start up an internet home business without asking anyone for permission. Or at least minimal permission in some jurisdictions.
the government will tax you. if not - they will sooner or later.

I'm glad that there is freedom of speech and I can go to any public library and access any book I want through Interlibrary loans. I'm glad that there are public libraries like this.
certain books are red-flagged by certain agencies to monitor for domestic terrorism

I'm glad that access laws for the deaf/hoh have come as far as they have. They are not perfect, but wow, it's come along way! That's something to be proud of.
too bad they know how to get around with it.

I'm glad that I can flip the bird and walk off if I don't like a situation. Nothing chains me to a job or a location in this country.
easy. police can trump up charges such as disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, interfering with police, etc.

I'm glad that I have the freedom to fail and learn from my mistakes. "I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways it doesn't work." -- Thomas Edison.
let's hope your mistake doesn't end up with loan sharks on your arse 24/7.

I do not live in a perfect country... but no one does. In the long, bloody span of history... we have it really good in this country compared to others.
too bad many people are ruining this country with their greed and ignorance.

A modest home in this country has technology, services, and appliances that the richest King at the turn of the 20th Century (1900) would not have had for all the money in the world.

So yeah, things are flawed. Things could be better. But keep it in perspective.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

What is your solution?

have 51% of congress made up of random American citizens that vote on the bills. Let the politicians make their case for or against the bills and have citizens vote.

There needs to be people that vote that dont have financial incentives
have 51% of congress made up of random American citizens that vote on the bills. Let the politicians make their case for or against the bills and have citizens vote.

There needs to be people that vote that dont have financial incentives
How would you guarantee that those "random" Americans don't have a financial incentive in the vote?

How would you pick the "random" Americans?
Well, if I run for political office... which party should I attach myself to?
Republican? Democrat? Independent?
How would you guarantee that those "random" Americans don't have a financial incentive in the vote?

How would you pick the "random" Americans?

Like jury duty. Obviously it wouldnt be perfect but could it be any worse? Congress only has 13% approval rating so the majority of americans think something needs to change.

Im open for ideas. Maybe dont allow them to receive donations larger than $100?
Well, if I run for political office... which party should I attach myself to?
Republican? Democrat? Independent?

Its extremely difficult to get elected as an independant.

How the hell did the republicans absorb the tea party?
Its extremely difficult to get elected as an independant.

How the hell did the republicans absorb the tea party?

The tea party started out as a bunch of complaining Republicans and turned themselves into Republican leaches. They seem to excel at spouting idealistic nonsense without any regard to hard cold reality. More and more of the Republican party members are distancing themselves from the Tea Party members. I suspect you will see some feet shuffling at the next election as the Republican party tries to figure just how much support the tea party really has.
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