Awesome, Lucia! I think those skulls decorations are cute.
I have one BTE HA, but can't use it now since my vertigo attacks took away my residual hearing. The ear I wear the HA has gone completely deaf recently. I'm not sure if the hearing will come back. If not, no big deal.
I got bullied at one point when I was growing up. It was not because of my HA, but because I was different. Even hearing kids get bullied. Yes, it's very unfortunate that you got bullied as a child. It is traumatic.
There are people who are rude or ignorant in the way they treat HOH/Deaf people. Believe me, I've had more than my share of those people. I've had a few people actually yell at me so I can understand them, which is pretty painful for me visually. Hehe. They didn't realize that yelling only distorts their speech in terms of sounds and lip-reading.