Those Quarters are awesome and it's interesting to see what each state turns out to look on the quarters. I have all of them from 99 to present, except for West Virginia that is. It should be out before the year's up.
I tried to collect but failed- spent them, oh boy... I was at Capitol when they had MN quarter release ceremony. It was awfully busy place when I worked, but managed to get a collection item- picture of MN State Capitol in front, note from the Governor on back with 2 MN quarters on every upper corners in plastic case, it cost $5.00 to get one. They also sold MN quarters in rolls- my boss wanted to buy $500 worth of it, and my dad bought I think $60 worth of it. They also gave out free MN quarters to kids, but I managed to get free ones too The ceremony was at the Capitol because this year is Capitol Centennial (sp?), so it was perfect opporunity.