Anyone collect State Quarters?

Collect State Quarters

  • Yes, collect

    Votes: 12 54.5%
  • No, not collect

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Not interesting

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
I don't collect state quarters, but I like to look at them sometimes. :)
my mom has that map with holes in it.... that is why i am looking along the quarters to give her all states... no KS yet! :(
I found Kansas state quarter today. :dance2: One more state quarter this year: West Virginia.
I don't collect state coins cuz i dont live in the state. But I do collect Canada province coins. Also collect unique coins and old coins too.
Those Quarters are awesome and it's interesting to see what each state turns out to look on the quarters. I have all of them from 99 to present, except for West Virginia that is. It should be out before the year's up.
Yes, we have been collecting them since they first came out..i have a map
which you could put them in for each state...its neat and fun!
I tried to collect but failed- spent them, oh boy... I was at Capitol when they had MN quarter release ceremony. It was awfully busy place when I worked, but managed to get a collection item- picture of MN State Capitol in front, note from the Governor on back with 2 MN quarters on every upper corners in plastic case, it cost $5.00 to get one. They also sold MN quarters in rolls- my boss wanted to buy $500 worth of it, and my dad bought I think $60 worth of it. They also gave out free MN quarters to kids, but I managed to get free ones too :) The ceremony was at the Capitol because this year is Capitol Centennial (sp?), so it was perfect opporunity.