Anybody have a roomate at first?

I've had a bunch of roommates at RIT. The first one wanted to live with a friend rather than me, so he moved out. He even made false claims that I stank. He said such things in front of people in class even after the RA told him that it was rude.

After a month, my second roomie moved in. I asked him if I smelled and he said no. We talked about lots of stuff and laughed all night sometimes. He was the one who told me about my first roomie talking about me smelling in class.

My third roomie was the only one I was with for a whole year. Then my 4th one wanted a friend with him, so I moved into the friend's room and the friend moved into the roomie's room. There was nobody else in the friend's room, so my 5th roomie moved in after a while.

For my 4th year, they put me in a room at RIT Inn for a month with someone who didn't know sign and kept to himself. He also used up a lot of toilet paper and the boxes of tissues in the bathroom. So I hid some paper to be sure I had some. I met him later and he had learned plenty of sign.

After RIT Inn, they moved me into Sol's with my 7th roomie. My dorm rooms before that were all in Tower A. The new roomie had hearing aids, didn't know sign and was annoyed by my vibrating alarm and even threatened to call Campus Safety on me. I went to housing and they said, duh, he can't do that. Then I changed it to use the light only so he won't be mad.

I had enough of the dorms, so I made plans with three other people to get a Perkins apartment. I was staying in the dorms because I had a scholarship that required staying there. I didn't realize that it was for only two years, so I stayed in the dorms for 4 years except for a month at RIT Inn.

One of the people who were going to be in Perkins with me transferred to Gallaudet, so we had to find a replacement. We did after a while. By that time, I had VR support due to getting a good agent who replaced a lousy one who had left my file lying around doing nothing. They paid for the Perkins apartment in full, even when the fees went up during the spring quarter due to our new 4th roomie moving out. He moved out because of physical difficulties he had walking from Perkins to NTID.

I had some drama in the Perkins apartment due to my other roomies letting in someone who was off of her meds and that caused a lot of trouble, so much that we had to call Public Safety on her when she wasn't around. She was foisting space in the apartment for excessive time against housing policy, sobbing and having suicidal thoughts. When the roomies finally told her to stay away for good, she said she wanted to die in a car crash and nearly ran her car into us on the night before I graduated.

So I had a total of 10 roomies in five years.

Then I graduated and was happy to be away from roomies who were rude, intolerant or invited in crazy people. I found a job and lived in a company apartment with someone else from work. It was nice and quiet there with no silly drama.

Then when my temp job went permanent, I moved to my current location. It's a house where the landlord, his friend and I live. I have my own bedroom and share the bathroom, living room and vegetarian kitchen downstairs with the others. There was a fourth person who moved in on the same day I did. Now he's gone because he got drunk too much and smoked mysterious stuff as well as squeezing and twisting peoples' arms and hands. He also borrowed money and never returned it.

Now I'll move to a one bedroom apartment soon because of my current apartment shutting down due to high heating costs. There, I'll have no roomies, finally giving me my own space. :D
I've had a bunch of roommates at RIT. The first one wanted to live with a friend rather than me, so he moved out. He even made false claims that I stank. He said such things in front of people in class even after the RA told him that it was rude.

After a month, my second roomie moved in. I asked him if I smelled and he said no. We talked about lots of stuff and laughed all night sometimes. He was the one who told me about my first roomie talking about me smelling in class.

My third roomie was the only one I was with for a whole year. Then my 4th one wanted a friend with him, so I moved into the friend's room and the friend moved into the roomie's room. There was nobody else in the friend's room, so my 5th roomie moved in after a while.

For my 4th year, they put me in a room at RIT Inn for a month with someone who didn't know sign and kept to himself. He also used up a lot of toilet paper and the boxes of tissues in the bathroom. So I hid some paper to be sure I had some. I met him later and he had learned plenty of sign.

After RIT Inn, they moved me into Sol's with my 7th roomie. My dorm rooms before that were all in Tower A. The new roomie had hearing aids, didn't know sign and was annoyed by my vibrating alarm and even threatened to call Campus Safety on me. I went to housing and they said, duh, he can't do that. Then I changed it to use the light only so he won't be mad.

I had enough of the dorms, so I made plans with three other people to get a Perkins apartment. I was staying in the dorms because I had a scholarship that required staying there. I didn't realize that it was for only two years, so I stayed in the dorms for 4 years except for a month at RIT Inn.

One of the people who were going to be in Perkins with me transferred to Gallaudet, so we had to find a replacement. We did after a while. By that time, I had VR support due to getting a good agent who replaced a lousy one who had left my file lying around doing nothing. They paid for the Perkins apartment in full, even when the fees went up during the spring quarter due to our new 4th roomie moving out. He moved out because of physical difficulties he had walking from Perkins to NTID.

I had some drama in the Perkins apartment due to my other roomies letting in someone who was off of her meds and that caused a lot of trouble, so much that we had to call Public Safety on her when she wasn't around. She was foisting space in the apartment for excessive time against housing policy, sobbing and having suicidal thoughts. When the roomies finally told her to stay away for good, she said she wanted to die in a car crash and nearly ran her car into us on the night before I graduated.

So I had a total of 10 roomies in five years.

Then I graduated and was happy to be away from roomies who were rude, intolerant or invited in crazy people. I found a job and lived in a company apartment with someone else from work. It was nice and quiet there with no silly drama.

Then when my temp job went permanent, I moved to my current location. It's a house where the landlord, his friend and I live. I have my own bedroom and share the bathroom, living room and vegetarian kitchen downstairs with the others. There was a fourth person who moved in on the same day I did. Now he's gone because he got drunk too much and smoked mysterious stuff as well as squeezing and twisting peoples' arms and hands. He also borrowed money and never returned it.

Now I'll move to a one bedroom apartment soon because of my current apartment shutting down due to high heating costs. There, I'll have no roomies, finally giving me my own space. :D
Wow, that's a lot of roommate issues you've had to put up with at RIT. Whew!

I had my share of issues when I was at RIT.

I've gone through 17 roommates during my time at RIT. (Four were repeat roommates.)

I had five roommates who were excellent. One was a long-time friend that I had known for over 10 years. The other four were the types who kept who themselves and respected me for who I was.

One had a history of credit card fraud and theft. He smelled awful. (Wore the same shoes and socks for days. I had a friend visit me one night. He wanted to know how bad the smell was. So, he farted up a storm for 10 minute straight. His girlfriend and I didn't even smell his fart. That's how overwhelming the smell in the room was.)

One always went to bed early.

One was an art freak and complained about everything.

One had a girlfriend that he fought with all the time.

One was my ex-girlfriend. (Girlfriend at the time we were roommates.)

One had a drinking problem that was so bad that he would come home drunk and cook pizza. Only that he would turn on the oven, open the frozen pizza to thaw a bit, then pass out in bed. (After I moved out, he almost burned down the apartment because he passed out AFTER he put the pizza in the oven.)

One had a drinking problem that was so bad that he would come home drunk and pee on the floor thinking it was the bathroom. After I moved out, he almost burned down the apartment because he left a heating lamp on his dresser instead of his cage where he kept his pet lizard.)

One had a drinking problem that was so bad that he would come home drunk and puke all over the bathroom. He would then push the vomit down the air vent instead of cleaning up after himself. He also broke a lot of things around the apartment and then said it wasn't his fault simply cuz he was drunk.

One had a drinking problem that led her to sleepwalk a lot.

One had a drinking and smoking problem and was always looking for ways to get laid. He actually bought a $40 shirt just so that he could go to a "Pink Shirt Party". He actually skipped out on helping us clean up because he was expecting someone to come over and have sex with him.

One was a nerd who was obsessed with getting good grades in school and never experienced anything fun. Never rode a roller coaster. Never partied. Never went out to have fun with friends. Nothing. It was overwhelming for him that time he was roommates with me cuz me and another roommate would take him out to have fun often.

One was a guy who was never around cuz he was always with his friends or parents.
thats insane.

at RIT, i remember that i had one roommate with me at TA during first year. He's my closest friend and we went to same school together. we FOUGHT [yep, with fists] in our room even tho we're closest friend. Reason why? He brought his date which it is turn out that i KNEW her from camp and somehow she grew up to close to me. Thats how is the trigged him out. I beat him anyway, he should know better that i will whip him up.

During first year, second quarter, changed new roommate due to those reasons with previous roommate. what a crazy few weeks: parties in the room and made me grumpy because they kept hollerin' all the time during my study time and bedtime. So, i decided to object to RA and Housing. They moved me to other room, turn out that third roommate's girlfriend who had same class with me [WC 1] and had crush on me. He kept barked at me all the time and i decided to begged Housing and RA to move me out to better room. So, they DID! fourth roommate in a month left to second quarter end. He's totally cool and laidback. i was so comfortable to be in that room and chill. Gosh, i had 4 roommates in two quarters of the first year! third quarter, same roommate as fourth, i havent been to dorm for a while because i'm with third year girl that we're dating. [Aye, i HOOKED her up, im PRO, ha.. lol!] He told me that he's glad that im not been to dorm for a while because he had been sexual intercourse with his girlfriend. Good thing, im not there to watching or so.

I left RIT to SJSU, i live with my parents for a while until i find FT job and school schedule. SJSU is like 30 minutes away from Fremont. So, i found job and commute to SJSU everyday. I moved out from my parents to moved in with new roommates [2]. They're down to earth dudes and i left n moved out in few months later because of: crackheads. I had to moved back to my parents. My parents said, "Son, we dont want you to move in and out all the time, you gotta to find your own place without roommates!". They went out with me to Fremont to find me a place and hooked it up- CONDO! After that, i'm all myself and PEACEFUL!
In college I had my share of good and bad roommates. There it's mostly luck of the draw. Right now I love where I'm living. I rent a room in a house in Boston. The couple that owns the house live downstairs (they're young, 30's), and upstairs there's my room, a guest room, and another bedroom that they rent out to their best friend. It's cheap, nice, and feels kind of like moving into a family. I have my own space, but also the whole house if I want, and they're really nice people. (Plus the wife loves to cook, which works out well ;) )

I think that moving in with people depends a lot of how much you trust them. Obviously, with me, they own the house, so I know that they're going to take care of it and hold up their end of the bargain. Splitting an apartment is different, though, so I would either go with people that you know, or be very careful choosing roommates.
When I moved out 6 months ago, I didn't get a roommate cause I live in a studio apartment where I live myself, but I have moved back to my parents. People who have roommates can cause trouble with friendship and other reasons such as arguing of bills, rules and other stuff etc

I agree!

Roommates = drama.

The only person I will ever share my apartment with is my fiance, period! No one else!
Had roommates for many years at school, college, and first three years out of college... all roommates were great except few little problems. I was so lucky. Most times I hand-picked who I trusted.

At a time I was a solo (no roommate) for two-year straight at Gally, too! (only another year roommate there)

For my first time as a roommate, it's quite hard for me to remember how it was cuz I was almost 5. (only little I recalled)