anybody hate the hearies in school?

No, I'm not being harsh. I found it how the way you wrote was quite disgusted me. :|

I don't like when people blame on deaf schools because of bullies, sexual abuses, or whateever it is.


By the way, no, I called your comment/opinion is just a plain moronic - not you. (if you dont understand what I mean, I refer to those common comments)

Just sayin', that's all.
I am sorry. Let forget about this shit. Let move on.
No, I'm not being harsh. I found it how the way you wrote was quite disgusted me. :|

I don't like when people blame on deaf schools because of bullies, sexual abuses, or whateever it is.


Just sayin', that's all.

I probably will be flamed for asking this, but would you be kind enough to show me where she blames the deaf schools itself (in this thread)? It can be very helpful to quote and color it.

And before getting disgusted , did you consider maybe her written communication skills are not perfect ?

Thank you
Yes, I aware of that she didn't say anything in this thread, however, what I found more comments from other threads.

That's why I never like deaf school.

That is what she said.

I simply pointed it out that she don't have to hate/dont like her school because of her personal...

in the note, I'm not flaming you. Really.

PS - you should read above comments, I'd rather to see we get move on and now.
That is what she said.

Thank you. It is of course too difficult to know who said what in every other thread. Thats why it gets confusing why somebody calls others posts disgusting. I appericiate you taking your time to explain the issue had a history out of this thread.

Be well
want to know something funny?

i grew up in hearing school and i dont really get bullied by kids except for usual mocking sign language and stuff. then i joined deaf school now thats when i learned what being teased is really about. i got teased by deaf kids on almost everything from the way i put my hair to the way i sign a word. i had cochlear implant which naturally made kids and even some teachers teased me about it. i had seniors dump my head into toliet bowl, losing my lunch to others, getting detention every single day (some my fault but mostly cuz of wrong timing... they knows how to stop when an adult eye is on them but i didnt know so i got in trouble and they didnt) i learned that slight expression meant attitude problem to both adults and kids. i had my homework destoryed and was forced to write them all over again 5 min before class. i had been locked in a closet in girl lockerroom. i had been spit on, had gum in my hair, had been beaten up, ... well the list is endless. the best year i ever had was when i became senior and everyone left me alone. only 3 quarters of the senior year... not even ONE bad stuff happening from supervisor, kids, or teachers.

after tolerating the bullying from deaf people who grew up in deaf culture or have deaf families... i just laugh at hearing people. their teasing is NOTHING compared to deaf people's teasing. Deaf people can be real cruel especailly to outsiders who are also deaf but is new to deaf culture.

im sorry i know hearing bullies can be pretty annoying and sometime is cruel but deaf people are way more cruel than hearing person are. i personally think it is because i was able to understand every word a deaf person were saying and it hurts cuz i wanted to fit in since im deaf too.

so think about it ok? hearing people are much easier to deal with than deaf people when you are deaf yourself.

im not saying deaf school sucks or anything... but i am saying deaf schools are much more tough and cruel than hearing school... most likely i was not aware of what hearing people were doing or saying... im wayy too deaf to be able to understand what they were saying (unless they act it out then yea i can figure it out and then i usually laugh at them cuz they look so foolish :-P)
want to know something funny?

i grew up in hearing school and i dont really get bullied by kids except for usual mocking sign language and stuff. then i joined deaf school now thats when i learned what being teased is really about. i got teased by deaf kids on almost everything from the way i put my hair to the way i sign a word. i had cochlear implant which naturally made kids and even some teachers teased me about it. i had seniors dump my head into toliet bowl, losing my lunch to others, getting detention every single day (some my fault but mostly cuz of wrong timing... they knows how to stop when an adult eye is on them but i didnt know so i got in trouble and they didnt) i learned that slight expression meant attitude problem to both adults and kids. i had my homework destoryed and was forced to write them all over again 5 min before class. i had been locked in a closet in girl lockerroom. i had been spit on, had gum in my hair, had been beaten up, ... well the list is endless. the best year i ever had was when i became senior and everyone left me alone. only 3 quarters of the senior year... not even ONE bad stuff happening from supervisor, kids, or teachers.

after tolerating the bullying from deaf people who grew up in deaf culture or have deaf families... i just laugh at hearing people. their teasing is NOTHING compared to deaf people's teasing. Deaf people can be real cruel especailly to outsiders who are also deaf but is new to deaf culture.

im sorry i know hearing bullies can be pretty annoying and sometime is cruel but deaf people are way more cruel than hearing person are. i personally think it is because i was able to understand every word a deaf person were saying and it hurts cuz i wanted to fit in since im deaf too.

so think about it ok? hearing people are much easier to deal with than deaf people when you are deaf yourself.

There are many cruel deaf people and there are cruel hearing people...not one group is more cruel than the other.

Have u ever gotten your hand nearly broken in pieces cuz you were deaf?

U know what? When I first entered Gallaudet, the Deaf militants from the Deaf families were cruel to me and I was shocked that not all Deaf people are willing to embrace me immediately so I told them to "f*ck off" and just kept on going..Eventually I found people whom I can relate to.

At my heairng school, I did the same but NEVER could find anyone I could relate too cuz they were hearing and I was deaf. Nobody understood what it was like to be deaf. AT least the Deaf bullies knew what it was like to be deaf as opposed to the hearing bullies. I think I would take deaf bullies over the hearing bullies. Wait a min..I already Gallaudet at the age of 28.

Nobody should bully each other but when u are faced with a group of 15 plus hearing peers ganging up on u, talking to each other in which u cant catch what they say as opposed to 4 deaf bullies using sign language in which u can understand what they say....I would say that the latter, one has a better chance of standing up to them. When u are in an environment where hearing peers take an advantage of your deafness by speaking so fast to each other making it impossible for you to lipread, it is harder to be able to stand up to them due to not knowing what they are saying.

At the end, bullying is everywehre and bullying is wrong but educationally-wise, I would rather have full 100% access to information and communication at all times in the classroom instead of trying to keep my head above water all the time making sure I dont fall behind my heairng peers.

I guess everyone's values are different.
There are many cruel deaf people and there are cruel hearing people...not one group is more cruel than the other.

Have u ever gotten your hand nearly broken in pieces cuz you were deaf?

I got my glasses bow embedded in my temple.

But that was when my dad lost his temper.

I still don't know why.

That was because I was deaf.
There are many cruel deaf people and there are cruel hearing people...not one group is more cruel than the other.

Have u ever gotten your hand nearly broken in pieces cuz you were deaf?

true... and yes i have but not by my hand but by other parts of my body.
The way I see it... if a hearie has a problem with me (being deaf), then that's their problem. That's their issue. I'm not gonna lose sleep over it, or get upset over their problems. However, many years ago there was a young man who could not resist touching my hearing aids. He didn't hurt me or anything, he would just lightly touch them and walk off. One day I approached him and told him, "please do not touch me or my hearing aids again." He didn't comply. I told him again, later, "if you touch me again, I will break your hands." He did and I did. Never had problems with him again after that.
U know what? When I first entered Gallaudet, the Deaf militants from the Deaf families were cruel to me and I was shocked that not all Deaf people are willing to embrace me immediately so I told them to "f*ck off" and just kept on going..Eventually I found people whom I can relate to.

At my heairng school, I did the same but NEVER could find anyone I could relate too cuz they were hearing and I was deaf. Nobody understood what it was like to be deaf. AT least the Deaf bullies knew what it was like to be deaf as opposed to the hearing bullies. I think I would take deaf bullies over the hearing bullies. Wait a min..I already Gallaudet at the age of 28.

Nobody should bully each other but when u are faced with a group of 15 plus hearing peers ganging up on u, talking to each other in which u cant catch what they say as opposed to 4 deaf bullies using sign language in which u can understand what they say....I would say that the latter, one has a better chance of standing up to them. When u are in an environment where hearing peers take an advantage of your deafness by speaking so fast to each other making it impossible for you to lipread, it is harder to be able to stand up to them due to not knowing what they are saying.

At the end, bullying is everywehre and bullying is wrong but educationally-wise, I would rather have full 100% access to information and communication at all times in the classroom instead of trying to keep my head above water all the time making sure I dont fall behind my heairng peers.

I guess everyone's values are different.

hmm interesting and you do make a good point there but what i noticed was that i deal with hearing people much easier than i do with deaf people though on crisis. i do not know why cuz i have much harder time communicating with hearing people than i do with deaf people. i guess im much more sensitive to deaf people because when it comes to deaf people being mean to me... i burst in tears.

why i remembered when i first joined here... one deaf woman here confronted me on aim and i burst in tears. my ex boyfriend got on pc and yelled at her, telling her that i was crying. but there was another person who were hearing who confronted me too and i just said your loss. i guess i wanted friends who were like me much more than i do with hearing people. so i am more sensitive. i dont know.
hmm interesting and you do make a good point there but what i noticed was that i deal with hearing people much easier than i do with deaf people though on crisis. i do not know why cuz i have much harder time communicating with hearing people than i do with deaf people. i guess im much more sensitive to deaf people because when it comes to deaf people being mean to me... i burst in tears.

why i remembered when i first joined here... one deaf woman here confronted me on aim and i burst in tears. my ex boyfriend got on pc and yelled at her, telling her that i was crying. but there was another person who were hearing who confronted me too and i just said your loss. i guess i wanted friends who were like me much more than i do with hearing people. so i am more sensitive. i dont know.

I can see and undy from your point of view. When I first entered Gallaudet, I thought all Deaf people would love and accept me simply because I am deaf too...boy was I wrong. It was tough at first but someone told me that these people do not need to dictate my life nor dictate my self-worth..only I can so I changed and things got sooo much better. I have some Deaf enemies to this day and I dont give a damn. I finally learned how to love and accept my deafness and who I am.

When I was growing up, I had no sense of deaf identity and all I had were hearing models or hearing peers so I wanted to be like them, which as a result, led me to hating myself and my deafness which made me miserable day in and day out.

I have a hearing hubby so no, I dont hate all hearies. What I hate is that I was put in an environment where communication and information wasnt fully accessible as it was for my hearing peers which put me at a huge disadvantage whether it was out on the playground or in the classroom and to me that is like stripping my rights from me.
SpiceHD, I can relate to that. I have a kinda of similar experience to yours, too.

I hated it when deaf students did to me before, too... I used to think my deaf school's fault but, later, I learned it was actually not doing with my old school... So, I blamed nasty bullies for tried destorying my life, not my ex school. The general school is... just an informative education. How will education do harm my life? Only bullies/jerks are.

I'm really sorry that you went through. :hug:
dont really want to make it a hearie bash thread but being more deaf proud now im realizing im starting to hate alot of hearies that are ignorant of deaf culture its high school all over again, where deaf and hoh of kids would be messed with just cuz there deaf or one kid (which I happened to be involved in the little scuffle hes a hearie sat next to a deaf girl in the cafeteria and started to berate her on the deafness (first of all your a moron she cant hear you) then what set me off was he took one of her aids off and started laughing so I did something really good but very very stupid I stabbed him in the back of the neck with a fork, felt good at the time but detention blew, another I hit with a chair... anyhoos what im trying to say is anyone else have similar experience in high school, middle school, bullying etc I know you did or moms, dads who knows there kid was bullied

and what can we do to stop it, even though bullying will persist no matter what happens I know jillio can come up with something :cool2:
While that really sucks it's not isolated to bullies against deaf kids. Bullies are bullies and they don't discriminate. It's up to the teachers and parents to educate the kids on how to be accepting of others. I would bet that those kids that are bullies probably have something else going on in their life such as abusive or non-attentive parents or a whole list of other things. I am totally against your acts of violence even thought you might feel they are justified and made you feel better. If you are not careful you will end up in prison. Use your brain and not your brawn. There are many ways to get to these types of people without violence.
While that really sucks it's not isolated to bullies against deaf kids. Bullies are bullies and they don't discriminate. It's up to the teachers and parents to educate the kids on how to be accepting of others. I would bet that those kids that are bullies probably have something else going on in their life such as abusive or non-attentive parents or a whole list of other things. I am totally against your acts of violence even thought you might feel they are justified and made you feel better. If you are not careful you will end up in prison. Use your brain and not your brawn. There are many ways to get to these types of people without violence.

Only difference with hearing bullies against a deaf kid is that they have the advantage of having full access to what is being said among each other while the deaf kid doesnt. At least with deaf bullies using ASL, the victim can know what they are saying and have a better chance of standing up for him/herself.

I know this cuz I had large group of hearing kids gang up on me and they would take advantage of my deafness by whispering to each other or talking fast therefore, leaving me completely and utterly lost to what was happening or what will happen to me.

Bullying is wrong no matter what at the end.
Only difference with hearing bullies against a deaf kid is that they have the advantage of having full access to what is being said among each other while the deaf kid doesnt. At least with deaf bullies using ASL, the victim can know what they are saying and have a better chance of standing up for him/herself.

I know this cuz I had large group of hearing kids gang up on me and they would take advantage of my deafness by whispering to each other or talking fast therefore, leaving me completely and utterly lost to what was happening or what will happen to me.

Bullying is wrong no matter what at the end.
It wasn't about if the bullies are deaf or hearing. I don't if they can hear or not. Getting bullied sucks and it happens across the board. That was the point I was trying to make. If deaf bullies don't want the victim to know what they are saying I would imagine they would simply turn away to sign to each other or prepare the attack before going to the victim. There are may ways to keep the target of this in the dark. :dunno:
It wasn't about if the bullies are deaf or hearing. I don't if they can hear or not. Getting bullied sucks and it happens across the board. That was the point I was trying to make. If deaf bullies don't want the victim to know what they are saying I would imagine they would simply turn away to sign to each other or prepare the attack before going to the victim. There are may ways to keep the target of this in the dark. :dunno:

It would be hard to gang up on a deaf person and try to hide the signs from the victim.
what about pre-empted or pre-planned. Seems to me it wouldn't be that difficult to pre-plan an attack.

Well, in that case, it wouldnt matter if the bullies are hearing or deaf ..

Anyways, bullying really needs to stop. I keep data on any incidents of bullying at my work and we design a behavior modification program for whoever is doing the bullying to reduce it. So far, it is working but the problems that caused the bullying are still there and it takes a lot more than behavior modification to get to the root of the real issues.
Wow, I was stunned while reading some of your stories around here, I guess it's not really surprising that we got bullied just because we were deaf. I was bullied by both deafies in the public schools and the hearies.

I remember when I, at the first time, went to the public school when I was 4 grade, nearly all of the deaf in that school knew how to talk and read lip very well, they sign the Exactly English Sign, which I sign the ASL and I don't talk nor read lips, I was the only student that are like that at that school, so those deaf at the public school made me feel ashamed all the times, like when I was in the classroom I tend to patting my pen and the teacher told me to stop. Other deaf students just laugh at me whatsoever if the teacher point me out for my "behavior like there's no hearies in the classroom", at the lunchtime or recess, the hearies always made fun of me, like put their hands on my face and pretending that they are signing, I mean all the times.

Just a month later from when I start that school, I cried so hard at my home and fighting with my parents because I can't deal with the hearing world because they kept making me feel lousy for being deaf, my parents kept telling me that there are deaf students can learn a new thing from you, so I patiently stay at the public school, and I just realized that I was happy with that school with the deaf students more better, it was really because that school do have the program for the deaf, but just a little different due to the influence of hearies world.

So I tried fight it out and make everyone realized that the true Deaf Culture is not an just dumb animal waving their hands, continue to even when I went to the college.