any of y'll open minded?

I'm cool with all kinds of relationship. :)
I'm staright, I have one of the sweetest friend who's BISEXUAL. I've known him since kindergarden. He respect me with all of his heart. I'm so interested in their culture and fashions. They're caring and generous. ;)
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them"
I totally respect everyone for who they are.. I strongly believe they are born with the "gay or lesbian" gene. Society does not conform you to be gay, you are born that way. I have seen young boys to be effeminate and young girls to be really butch. They are born that way, society doesn't conform you this way unless you have had a traumatic experience that makes you change sexual orientation preferences. I am very liberal-minded and I am always willing to discuss anything with my gay/lesbian friends. Even tease them... *strapping on my plastic male appendage!* and they get a good laugh over this! I am straight myself and sometimes I do get compliments from lesbians and I politely say thank you from them. I don't say "Get the hell away from me you lez!" They're humans with feelings like us. It's really weird... we chicks accept compliments from lesbians with an open mind whereas men duke it out with gays if the gays paid a compliment to the straight men. Have you notice that?
Originally posted by Freaky
I totally respect everyone for who they are.. I strongly believe they are born with the "gay or lesbian" gene. Society does not conform you to be gay, you are born that way. I have seen young boys to be effeminate and young girls to be really butch. They are born that way, society doesn't conform you this way unless you have had a traumatic experience that makes you change sexual orientation preferences. I am very liberal-minded and I am always willing to discuss anything with my gay/lesbian friends. Even tease them... *strapping on my plastic male appendage!* and they get a good laugh over this! I am straight myself and sometimes I do get compliments from lesbians and I politely say thank you from them. I don't say "Get the hell away from me you lez!" They're humans with feelings like us. It's really weird... we chicks accept compliments from lesbians with an open mind whereas men duke it out with gays if the gays paid a compliment to the straight men. Have you notice that?

I agree with you totally. Ppl seem to think that it is a choice, but I don't think so. Who would choose to be something that the society is against? Sometimes these feelings are just there and can't be denied. The only choice to make is to accept it or to live life in denial. You are right, I think it is weird that guys act so weird when it comes to compliments like you said. They seem to think that I am going to undress them with my eyes and try to rape them or something. Puh-leaz... I ain't desperate that I have to hit on straight guys.
I am very much a bisexual person and I don't have a flashing sign that says, "Hey, I'm a Bi!". I rarely show peepz my sexualtiy unless I am very very comfortable with them and I know they are very very open-minded about these types of issues.
Although I have great respect for gay/lesbians/bi/straight peepz. IN fact, I've marched in NYC Gay Pride Parade several times for couple of years now in support of my dear gay uncle and other friends that I know are gay.
Don't worry gals, just becuz I'm a Bi, does not mean I'm gonna jump on you and start gyrating on top of you. I keep my space and distance away from anyone unless they openly say, "Hi, Leez, I'm Bi and I wanna fuck you." then I'll go for it.
I love all types of people and it IS amazing to see a huge quilt of humanity being unwoven, and woven so many times throughout the centuries. I certainly hope one day, this huge quilt of humanity will stay together and we all will forever be binded. But, that's just a dream!
Y'all are wonderful for these responses and it just makes me proud to know that Deaf people have respect unlike them back-stabbing- myopic, rude, bullshitting, homophobic, hypchondriaiatc, asswipe peepz!!!!!
I have marched in the Gay Pride Parade in NYC too, with the NYC BiGLNY group. :) It was quite an experience! So funny to see all international tourists taking pictures of the parade, and bringing back home, saying "America is great, they have a parade for Gay ppl!" LOL... ok, ok.. I'll shut up with my imagination.

I agree with Ironheartz, I keep my space period. I repect people and leave them alone. If they express interest or whatever, then I'll go for it too.

One more thing I have wondered about... does being deaf help to accept being gay easier? Because you already accepted an identity, you have less trouble "being different" from everyone? Maybe not in the deaf world but perhaps in the hearing world, where I grew up being different all of my life.
I'm open minded... I have a lot of respect for GL people, as long as they follow the "math rule".
I'm too open-minded too...
One time we all deafies went to some gay bar, one navy guy were all over me in front of my female friends.
They all are kind of culture shocked a bit. I told him to knock it off... (I'm not gay)

Then I grabbed him to sit on my lap and I squeezed his chest, thigh, ass, and gave him a kiss on cheek.
He just got up and left so quickly and satisfied.

They, females, were shocked at my antic. I said... You know that I'm ladies' man but have to tease that teeny navy boy! He just left me alone :greddy: :laugh2:
I'm somewhat of gay friendly too
are you uncomfortable to be seen with gay/lesbian friends or that doesn't bother ya? Me I have no problem being seen by anyone, if they dislike the idea of who I'm socializing with, who give a crap... unless it's my mom!
Originally posted by DirtyOldMan
I'm too open-minded too...
One time we all deafies went to some gay bar, one navy guy were all over me in front of my female friends.
They all are kind of culture shocked a bit. I told him to knock it off... (I'm not gay)

Then I grabbed him to sit on my lap and I squeezed his chest, thigh, ass, and gave him a kiss on cheek.
He just got up and left so quickly and satisfied.

They, females, were shocked at my antic. I said... You know that I'm ladies' man but have to tease that teeny navy boy! He just left me alone :greddy: :laugh2:
I'm somewhat of gay friendly too

:laugh2: :laugh2: :rofl:
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
are you uncomfortable to be seen with gay/lesbian friends or that doesn't bother ya? Me I have no problem being seen by anyone, if they dislike the idea of who I'm socializing with, who give a crap... unless it's my mom!
My parents are totally against the concept of homosexuality.
Originally posted by VamPyroX
My parents are totally against the concept of homosexuality.

I am not surprised about that. When I was growing up in the boondocks of South Jersey, I have heard numerous statements by ppl here being against gay ppl. It still exists. What I noticed is that ppl are very hypocritcal about it. It is like the "as long as its not in my backyard" attitude. For example, some ppl are ok about friends being gay, but will get very angry and majorily pissed off if their child turned out to be gay. My last ex bf told me something funny few days ago. He told her mum that we broke up, and she replied: "Oh, now that phase should be over then." That cracked me up. Ppl has no concept of how it is at all.
some people are against the sexuality issues with their religions or their personality.... my bro doesn't like me being gay but he said he's cool with it cuz I'm his brother and he loves me no matter what...
my parents are divorced so I live with my mom and she doesn't know yet, my father don't know yet and he will found out by a rumors by himself...
My father does not suppor that lifestyle, however my mother is a bit more flexible on the views of that lifestyle. If it was one of their children that went into that direction, obviously they wil be one unhappy parents.
I don't care, I respect them. I do have a few friends who's lesbian and gay. It doesn't matter to me about their lifestyle, its their life. Only their personalities matters. :)